
'Bed rotting' trend occupies young people's lives causing concerning outcomes

Sunday, 09/06/2024, 11:51 (GMT+7)

This new trend of young people has left people concerned about its potential consequences.

The new trend called 'bed rotting' is becoming popular among young people and causing concerning outcomes. 

This trend, which is spreading through social media, involves spending long periods in bed without caring about anything else.

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The "bed rotting" trend is popular among youth but has concerning outcomes. Image Credit: Getty

'Bed rotting' trend occupies young people's lives causing concerning outcomes

When we hear the phrase "bed rotting," we might think of ignoring our responsibilities or leaving food to go bad in bed. However, it's actually something that many people do without realizing it.

In simple terms, bed rotting means enjoying the comfort of staying in bed throughout the entire day, without caring about the things you should be doing or the tasks you have outside of bed.

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"Bed rotting" means staying in bed all day, ignoring responsibilities and tasks outside of bed. Image Credit: Getty

Although the concept of bed rotting is not entirely new, with even Bruno Mars referencing it in his 2010 song "The Lazy Song," the trend has recently been given a name and brought into the spotlight. 

Especially among younger generations, who may have fewer responsibilities tying them down, bed rotting has become increasingly common as a way to escape the pressures of the world.

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Bed rotting is popular among the youth, providing an escape from worldly pressures and responsibilities. Image Credit: Getty

With the world facing higher costs, conflicts, and political problems, it's no surprise that bed rotting appeals to those seeking relief from everyday stress. 

However, spending too much time in bed may indicate underlying issues.

Dr. Jessi Gold, an assistant professor of Psychiatry at Washington University, clarified this matter in a TikTok video. 

She emphasized that bed rotting is often a coping mechanism employed when individuals feel exhausted and overwhelmed by stress. 

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Bed rotting is a coping mechanism for individuals feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by stress. Image Credit: Getty

The doctor encouraged individuals to introspect and consider their motivations for bed rotting. 

Are they seeking sleep because they genuinely need rest, or is it a means of escaping from anxiety, stress, or pending responsibilities? 

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Bed rotting offers relief from stress amid rising costs, conflicts, and political problems in the world. Image Credit: Getty

Previously, young people also captured attention by their 'Do Not Disturb' (DND) mode trend.

Gen Z, the generation born in the mid-1990s to early 2010s, has a habit of putting their phones on 'Do Not Disturb' (DND) mode. This has raised questions about why they do it.

One reason is anxiety. 

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Gen Z frequently activates 'Do Not Disturb' mode on their phones. Image Credit: Getty

Gen Z prefers to ignore phone calls and uses DND to avoid the stress that comes with unexpected calls. By silencing notifications, they can focus on work, studies, or simply relax without interruptions.

A study showed that 90% of Gen Z individuals experience anxiety when answering calls. 

This anxiety could be due to the widespread use of DND. Discussions with Gen Z colleagues confirmed their anxiety about unexpected calls.

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Gen Z's anxiety about unexpected calls is linked to the widespread use of 'Do Not Disturb' mode. Image Credit: Getty

However, this behavior is not limited to Gen Z. 

People of all ages struggle with overwhelming notifications and the pressure to always be available. DND is used by other generations too, to avoid unwanted calls like robocalls or spam. 

However, relying on DND all the time may hinder communication with loved ones.