CCTV captures hospital worker greeting ‘ghost patient’ a day after her demise

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CCTV footage reveals a hospital worker greeting a ‘ghost patient’ one day after she passed away, shocking staff and viewers alike.

In a shocking event, CCTV footage in Buenos Aires, Argentina, showed a hospital worker greeting a person who seemed to be a “ghost patient.” ‘

This unusual incident has sparked curiosity and concern among both hospital staff and the public.

CCTV captures hospital worker greeting ‘ghost patient’ a day after her demise

The footage shows a security guard sitting at his desk late at night.

Suddenly, he gets up as if someone has entered the room. The guard is seen welcoming an invisible person and even offers a wheelchair.

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Image Credit: Newsflash

It looks as though he is having a conversation with this “ghost patient.”

He appears to be taking notes on a clipboard, adding to the mystery of the situation.

The security guard met a strange woman in early morning

According to the security guard reported that an elderly woman had arrived at the hospital around 3:30 AM, asking to see a doctor.

He appeared to interact with her for a while.

However, when he checked on her later, he was shocked to discover that the woman had died the day before.

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The security guard met an invisible woman at 3:30 a.m. Image Credit: Newsflash

When the guard informed the medical staff about the woman, they were puzzled.

They had not seen anyone entering or leaving the doctor’s office.

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After some investigation, the doctors confirmed that the only patient with that name had indeed died just a day before the incident.

This left everyone in the hospital feeling uneasy and questioning what had just occurred.

The hospital spokesperson explained the ghost interaction on CCTV

A spokesperson for the hospital stated that the unusual incident is currently under investigation.

They explained that the automatic doors of the hospital were malfunctioning at the time, opening by themselves multiple times throughout the night shift.

This could have contributed to the guard’s belief that someone was entering.

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CCTV captured a strange conversation between hospital worker and “ghost patient.”Image Credit: Newsflash

The hospital’s representative mentioned that the doors had opened on their own 28 times during the 10 hours of the guard’s shift.

They noted that no records exist of anyone entering the hospital during that time, which raises more questions about the guard’s experience.

“It is the door to one of the entrances that is open after hours, it is the entrance to see the duty doctor,” they told local media.

“As it was broken, it opened by itself 28 times during the 10 hours between Thursday night and Friday early morning.”

They added: “There is no entry record of any person at that time.

“This gentleman pretends to be writing something, but when you go to the registry, no one appears.

“No one entered and no one was registered either. But everything is under investigation.”

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The security guard even offered a wheel chair for an invisible patient. Image Credit: Newsflash

Many people have speculated about what really happened that night.

Some believe it might have been a case of the guard playing a prank or being too tired. Others think it could be a supernatural occurrence.

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Paranormal enthusiasts are particularly interested in this case.

They argue that hospitals often have stories of ghostly visitors, as many people have spent their final moments in these places.

So many non-believers here! You will never believe unless you believe in the spiritual world.

This happens but NOT to non-believers that cannot sense the spiritual world. This kind of things do happen for real, one user said.

Fake. The camera is shaking as this is filmed. A mounted camera doesn’t shake, the second user commented.

Very spooky, the third user said.

Are you sure he’s not under the influence…., another wrote.

But the reception no need to walk until door.. if ghost patient coming directly towards reception desk, someone wrote.

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