Priest Gerald Johnson shares his near-death experience, claiming he encountered demons singing Rihanna’s songs during a visit to hell.
In a remarkable story that has caught the attention of many, a priest named Gerald Johnson claims he had a near-death experience that took him to hell.
According to Johnson, during a heart attack in February 2016, his spirit left his body, and he found himself in a terrifying place.
Instead of going to heaven, as he expected, he says he ended up in the depths of hell, where he witnessed some shocking sights.

The Priest sent to hell after a temporary death from a heart attack
Gerald Johnson is a pastor who has dedicated his life to helping others.
Before his heart attack, he believed he had done enough good deeds to earn a place in heaven.
However, his experience in hell changed his perspective dramatically.
He describes a place filled with torment, where demons were not just lurking but also singing songs.

Priest claims he saw demons singing Rihanna’s song during hell visit after temporary death
One of the most bizarre details from his experience was his claim that he heard a demonic version of a popular song by Rihanna.
The song “Umbrella,” along with Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” was playing in this dark realm.
Johnson explained that he was baffled to discover that music was used in hell as a means of torment.

He suggested that the songs were twisted versions of popular tunes, meant to cause suffering.
“Every lyric to every song is to torment you [for] the fact that you didn’t worship God through music when you were on the Earth…
You chose to worship Satan by repeating the lyrics that he inspired to come to the Earth,” he said in a viral TikTok video.
Johnson also shared that he believes much of today’s music is influenced by evil forces.
He suggested that the lyrics of popular songs can lead people away from worshiping God.
According to him, every song carries a message that can either uplift or torment listeners based on their choices in life.

As he continued to recount his experience, Johnson described seeing horrifying scenes.
He claimed to have witnessed a man in a dreadful state, suffering in the flames.
The man appeared chained and showed signs of severe burns.
The image was so graphic that Johnson emphasized he would not wish such a fate on anyone, not even his worst enemies.

The priest says: “I saw the real hell, I was there and I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy.
I don’t care what the person has done to me. I would never wish that on them.”
The priest reveals messages and lessons from Jesus during the hell visit
After his return from hell, this chilling experience, Johnson reflected on the message he received from Jesus during his time in hell.
He said that he learned about the importance of forgiveness.
Jesus told him that harboring resentment against those who have wronged him was a significant issue.
Johnson realized that even though he had done good deeds, his heart was not entirely pure due to his feelings of anger and unforgiveness.

The priest believes Jesus had a message for him: “He said, ‘You have been secretly upset with the people who have hurt you.
You had been hoping that I would punish the people that hurt you. These are not your people. These are my people.
I only want you to focus on the assignment I am giving you.’”
Johnson continues: “The root of it is that although I did good and gave a lot to people, the thing that I had in my heart was unforgiveness towards people that have done me wrong.
“That’s my experience with hell, it is a real place.
God doesn’t send people to hell, people send themselves to hell.”