Customer sparks debate after cleaning up for server at restaurant after eating

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On social media, many viewers discussed the customer who sparked debate after cleaning up for the server at a restaurant after eating.

A TikTok user has sparked a debate about restaurant etiquette by sharing a video of himself cleaning his table after dining.

Nicholas Conquer, who has worked in the service industry, explains that he clears his plates and tips to help the staff. His actions have divided opinions among viewers.

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TikTok user Nicholas Conquer shows himself cleaning up after eating at a restaurant, sparking debate. Image Credits: @nickforthewin444/Tiktok


TikTok video shows customer cleaning up after himself

On social media, a video was shared by Nicholas, known as @nicksmostcommonw on TikTok, shows himself stacking plates and cleaning up after eating.

“POV: you’re a customer who has worked in the service industry, so not only do you tip but you clean up after yourself like a grown-up,” reads the text in the video.

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He explains he cleans up to help servers, as he has worked in the service industry. Image Credits: @nickforthewin444/Tiktok


Nicholas added that he posted this as a “bare minimum reference” for others.

Social media reaction

The video quickly sparked a conversation. Many commenters supported Nicholas’s actions with agree with cleaning up after yourself.

Even some people who work in the service industry also praised him for setting a good example. Others also shared similar practices.

For these individuals, cleaning up after eating is simply a matter of manners.

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Some viewers support his actions, calling it basic decency and respectful to the staff. Image Credits: @nickforthewin444/Tiktok


One person said: I all ways stack and clean as staff have enough to do and they all ways say thank you.

A second wrote: I clean up my table after I’m done eating. It’s normal, an easy thing to do. And I feel good afterwards.

While a third commeted: I stack dishes, try to wipe up crumbs. If it’s super busy and they are short staffed, I have been known to bus tables too.

Another added: It’s not in me to leave a mess I stack my dishes I also wipe down my table when I get up I also wipe down my seat as well as picking up anything I may have dropped on the floor…

However, critics argue it could add to servers’ workload


What a crazy cocept . #fyp #serviceindustry #resteraunt #food

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On the other hand with many who support Nicholas’s action, not everyone agreed with Nicholas’s approach.

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Others argue that cleaning up could add to the servers’ workload and interfere with their systems. Image Credits: @nickforthewin444/Tiktok


Some commenters argued that customers should not take over the server’s duties. They feared that cleaning up could unintentionally create more work for the servers.

Others suggested that since they had paid for the service, cleaning up for the server was not their obligation

One commenter advised: If you decide to do this, please put all trash/food on the top plate. We’re gonna have to separate it all anyway.

Someone else said: You don’t have to stack every plate on the table together, but at least make sure everything that you used is on your plate and not all over the table.

Another added: So y’all want me to do ur job for you and tip you 20%.

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Some commenters offer advice on how to clean up properly without creating more work for staff. Image Credits: Getty


I’m extra and don’t stack plates on top of food. I scrape it all on to the top plate lol. Someone else said.

The debate continues, with some supporting the idea of customers helping by cleaning up and others arguing it is not their responsibility. The discussions about manners, respect for service staff, and personal responsibility.

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