Expert reveals the historical existence of Jesus through seven key pieces of evidence

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An expert shows seven crucial pieces of evidence that support the historical existence of Jesus, providing compelling proof.

The question of whether Jesus Christ really existed has been debated for centuries.

While some people believe in his divine nature, others simply wonder if he was a historical figure.

Recent studies have highlighted several pieces of evidence that suggest Jesus did walk the Earth over 2,000 years ago.

Here are seven important points to consider.

Seven most important pieces of evidence for Jesus’ existence

The Shroud of Turin is believed to be Jesus’ burial cloth.

One of the most famous relics associated with Jesus is the Shroud of Turin.

Many believe this linen cloth was used to wrap Jesus’ body after his crucifixion.

However, recent research raises questions about its authenticity.

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The Shroud of Turin sparks debate over its authenticity and significance. Image Credit: Getty

Some experts argue that it may be a piece of Christian art rather than the actual burial cloth of Jesus.

Despite ongoing debates, the shroud remains a significant symbol for many Christians.

Brazilian graphics expert Cicero Moraes said: “On one side are those who think it is an authentic shroud of Jesus Christ, on the other, those who think it is a forgery.

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“But I am inclined towards another approach: that it is, in fact, a work of Christian art, which managed to convey its intended message very successfully.”

Historical literature provides accounts supporting Jesus’ existence and influence.

Numerous writings mention Jesus outside of the Bible. These sources include both Christian and non-Christian texts.

For over a thousand years, no one seriously disputed Jesus’ existence.

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Historical literature offers evidence from various ancient texts supporting Jesus’ existence. Image Credit: Getty

Dr. Lawrence Mykytiuk, a historian, notes that ancient texts consistently recognize Jesus as a real person.

This wide acknowledgment across various writings lends credibility to the claim that Jesus lived.

Archaeological findings offer physical evidence of Jesus’ historical presence.

In 1986, a construction crew uncovered tombs in northern Jerusalem.

One tomb contained the remains of a man named Jehohanan, who had a nail in his heel, indicating he was crucified.

This discovery supports the historical accounts of crucifixion.

It suggests that individuals like Jesus could have been buried properly after execution, contrary to common beliefs about crucified criminals being discarded.

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Archaeological discovery of a crucified man’s remains supports Jesus’ historical presence. Image Credit: Getty

Inscriptions provide additional evidence of Jesus’ existence and influence.

Inscriptions found in Israel further support the idea of Jesus as a historical figure.

One inscription, dating back to around 230 AD, references Jesus as a divine figure.

This indicates that even two hundred years after his death, Jesus was recognized as significant enough to be memorialized in this way.

Such inscriptions reflect the early development of Christian belief and the reverence held for Jesus.

The Church of the Apostles marks significant historical connections to Jesus.

In 2017, archaeologists discovered a large basilica that is believed to be the Church of the Apostles.

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This church is thought to be linked to Peter, Andrew, and Philip, who were followers of Jesus.

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Inscriptions from Israel confirm early recognition of Jesus as a significant figure. Image Credit: Getty

The location of this church near the River Jordan suggests it was an important site for early Christians.

This further supports the historical context in which Jesus lived and preached.

The Alexamenos Graffito is an early depiction of Jesus.

Another intriguing piece of evidence is a piece of graffiti known as the Alexamenos Graffito.

Dating back to around 1,700 years ago, this crude drawing depicts a man with a donkey’s head on a cross.

The accompanying text mocks a person named Alexamenos for worshiping this figure.

This graffiti indicates that Jesus was known and discussed in Roman society, even in a mocking context, which points to his existence.

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The James Ossuary may provide direct evidence of Jesus’ existence through family ties. Image Credit: Getty

The James Ossuary is linked to Jesus’ family lineage.

The James Ossuary is a box that reportedly contained the remains of James, the brother of Jesus.

An inscription on the ossuary reads, “James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.”

Although some have disputed its authenticity, the existence of such an artifact suggests that Jesus was a recognized figure during that time.

Scholars believe that if the inscription is genuine, it provides direct evidence of Jesus’ existence through his family ties.

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