Authorities baffled as two solitary inmates have baby together through air conditioning vent

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Two inmates in solitary confinement share a shocking and unusual story of how they became pregnant without meeting.

In a surprising story from a Florida jail, two inmates have managed to have a baby while in solitary confinement.

Daisy Link, 29, and Joan Depaz, 23, created a plan to get pregnant without ever meeting in person.

Their method is so unusual that it has drawn a lot of attention.

The miraculous story happened in an unusual background

Daisy, who is serving time for allegedly murdering her boyfriend, gave birth to a baby girl on June 19.

At that time, she had been in jail for about two years.

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Daisy Link and Joan Depaz, inmates who became pregnant in isolation. Image Credit: 7News

When Daisy’s family heard about her pregnancy, they were confused and worried.

They thought something terrible might have happened to her, and they asked for an investigation.

However, it turned out that the baby’s father, Joan, is also an inmate accused of murder.

They communicated through the vents

The two had never seen each other face-to-face. When asked about it, Joan said, “Never, like the Virgin Mary.”

The couple communicated through air conditioning vents in their cells.

They would knock on the vents to talk to each other and even used them to share notes and pictures.

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According to Daisy, being isolated for a long time made them feel very close.

She said, “You begin to spend hours talking to this person, almost as if you’re in the same room.”

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Joan and Daisy communicated through air conditioning vents in cells. Image Credit: 7News

Two solitary inmates have a baby together through air conditioning vent

As their relationship grew, Joan expressed his desire to have a child. He told Daisy, “If I had to choose somebody, it would be you.”

Daisy agreed, and they decided to try to get pregnant. They came up with a plan that involved passing Joan’s semen through the vents.

Joan explained how they did it. He would wrap the semen in plastic wrap and attach it to a chain of bedding.

He would then send it through the vent system to Daisy. She would use a yeast infection applicator to administer it.

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They created a plan to pass semen through the vents. Image Credit: 7News

Joan said, “I put the semen in Saran Wrap every day, like five times a day for a month straight.”

“He would kind of like roll it up almost like a cigarette and he would attach it to the line that we had in the vent, and I was pulling it through,” Link added.

“From there, I had placed it inside of, you know, the yeast infection applicators? I had placed it inside of there, and then from there, yeah I administered it.”

Daisy was amazed when she found out she was pregnant.

She described the news as exciting and said, “I can’t believe it worked.”

She now calls her baby girl a “miracle” and a “blessing.”

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Daisy gave birth to a baby girl while in jail. Image Credit: 7News

After the baby was born, she was placed in the care of Joan’s mother.

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Although Daisy and Joan are now in separate jails, they continue to communicate through phone calls and video visits with their daughter.

They cherish these moments, even if they cannot be together physically.

Authorities baffled as two solitary inmates have a baby together without even meeting

Dr. Fernando Akerman, a medical director at the Fertility Center of Miami, commented on the situation.

He said that while it is unlikely for such a method to lead to a successful pregnancy, it is not impossible.

He estimated their chances were less than five percent but noted that it was still a unique case.

“We estimate that probably their chances were less than five percent, but that is not to say that the chances were zero,” he said.

“So this is absolutely a case that is exceedingly unusual. To my knowledge, I’ve never heard or read anything like this.”

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Medical expert calls the pregnancy case “exceedingly unusual” and rare. Image Credit: 7News

The Miami-Dade Corrections officials have started an internal investigation into how this unusual scheme was successful.

They want to understand how two inmates could devise such a plan while in solitary confinement.

Daisy expressed uncertainty about her future. She stated, “I don’t know what my fate is.”

Despite this, she seems hopeful about her daughter’s potential, saying, “She could be anything. I think she’s gonna be something great.”

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