Flat Earther responds with fierce comment to claims that Mount Everest selfie proves Earth is round

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A Flat Earther made an unexpected comeback after a selfie taken from Mount Everest was used to claim the Earth is round.

A recent selfie taken from the summit of Mount Everest stirred up a lively debate about the shape of the Earth.

In the photo, the horizon appeared round, leading many to claim it was proof that the Earth is round.

However, a Flat Earther named Pete Svarrior quickly jumped into the conversation to defend his beliefs.

A Mount Everest selfie allegedly proves Earth is round

The selfie was posted on Reddit by a user who aimed to showcase the view from the top of Mount Everest, which is the highest point on Earth at 29,030 feet.

The caption read, “Checkmate Flat Earth Society,” suggesting that the image disproved Flat Earth theories.

Many people took this to mean that the photo clearly showed the Earth’s curvature.

However, the argument did not hold for long.

Experts and other users pointed out that being at the height of Mount Everest is still not high enough to see the curvature of the Earth.

To actually see the curve, one would need to be at least 35,000 feet up, such as in a plane.

Therefore, the selfie did not serve as proof of a round Earth.

Checkmate Flat Earth Society
byu/amazed_spirit inpics


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Arguments from Flat Earther and Round Earther

In response to the photo, user U/SadConfiguration said: “You can’t see the curvature of the earth from the top of Everest. That’s a fisheye lens.

Flat Earthers are a waste of skin but don’t be fooled into thinking you can see the curvature of the earth from 29,000ft. If that were true you could see it from plane windows.”

This comment highlights a common concern among those who study photography and optics.

They noted that the lens used in the camera could distort the image, making the horizon appear more curved than it actually is.

Another user agreed, saying, “There is better evidence of the Earth being a globe than a fisheye-lens photo.”

They emphasized that centuries of scientific evidence support a round Earth, while the selfie is just one image.

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A Flat Earther claims the photo used a fisheye lens. Image Credit: Reddit/amazed_spirit

Flat Earther responds with fierce comment to claims that Mount Everest selfie proves Earth is round

Taking advantage of the situation, Pete Svarrior, known for his Flat Earth views, did a reverse image search on Google and discovered that the photo was not recent.

He discovered that Dean Carriere took the original image in 2012, not the Reddit user who posted it.

Svarrior revealed his findings in Flat Earth forums, claiming this undermined the argument made by the original poster.

He also noted that the photo had not been altered to remove EXIF data, which reveals how and when the photo was taken.

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Image Credit: Getty

Svarrior explained that the image was taken with a GoPro camera using an ultra-wide-angle lens.

This type of lens can create a distorted view, leading to an exaggerated appearance of curvature.

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“Anyway, let’s finish stating the obvious, now that no speculation is required.

The photo was taken with a GoPro Hero3-Silver Edition with a (35mm-film-equivalent) focal length of 16mm.

It’s an ultra-wide-angle lens, and so the entire image is distorted.”

The science of Mount Everest

Mount Everest is high, but not tall enough to clearly see Earth’s curvature from its summit.

According to scientific studies, a person at that height can see about 230 miles into the distance.

This distance is insufficient to detect Earth’s curve, leading many experts to remain skeptical of using such photos as evidence.

Furthermore, the discussions surrounding this selfie highlight the ongoing debate between Flat Earthers and those who accept scientific consensus.

It serves as a reminder that visuals alone do not constitute proof; context and scientific understanding are crucial.

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Mount Everest’s height isn’t enough to clearly detect Earth’s curve. Image Credit: Getty

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