
Former McDonald's chef reveals reason why they didn't offer vegetarian menu in America

Saturday, 18/05/2024, 15:29 (GMT+7)

In a recent video, a former McDonald's chef clarified the reason behind the absence of a vegetarian menu in America. 

Mike Haracz, a former corporate chef at McDonald's, addressed the inquiries from TikTok users regarding why the renowned fast-food chain does not offer vegetarian and vegan options in the United States. 

In response to a user who had persistently asked why McDonald's had vegetarian options outside the US but not within, Haracz reiterated the reasons behind this decision.

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Former McDonald's chef Mike Haracz explains why the chain lacks vegetarian and vegan options in the US. Image Credit: Getty

Former McDonald's chef reveals reason why they didn't offer vegetarian menu in America

According to Haracz, the primary factor is the preference of the average McDonald's consumer in America. 

He stated that the typical customer desires the classic, indulgent fast-food experience, characterized by juicy burgers and deep-fried items. 

Unfortunately, whenever vegetarian or vegan items are introduced on the menu, the demand from vegetarians, vegans, and those seeking such options is not significant enough to maintain their presence at McDonald's.

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Haracz attributes the absence of vegetarian and vegan options at McDonald's in the US to consumer preferences. Image Credit: Getty

Haracz also touched upon the issues of waste and profitability. 

Vegetarian items often come with higher costs, as fresh vegetables have a shorter shelf life compared to frozen McNuggets or beef patties. 

The limited shelf life of fresh produce leads to more waste, which translates to financial losses for the restaurant. 

Therefore, healthy menu items frequently fall off the menu due to insufficient customer orders. 

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Fresh vegetables in vegetarian items have shorter shelf life, increasing costs compared to frozen meat products. Image Credit: Getty

Most users agreed with Haracz's explanation. They shared their own stories and recognized American consumer behavior as a factor in McDonald's choice.

Interestingly, users from outside the US expressed surprise and confusion regarding the absence of vegetarian and vegan options at American McDonald's locations. 

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Non-US users expressed surprise and confusion at the lack of vegetarian options in American McDonald's. Image Credit: Getty

They cited examples from their countries, such as the availability of vegan burgers, vegetable wraps, and other vegetarian choices. This contrasted with the situation in the US, leaving them baffled.

According to a recent report, McDonald's menu prices have experienced a significant surge over the past decade. 

This revelation has left many customers feeling frustrated and disappointed. Initially known for its affordability, McDonald's has faced criticism as prices have noticeably increased.

Finance Buzz, a reputable outlet that analyzes price changes in chain restaurants, has provided some shocking figures.

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Medium fries price surged from $1.59 in 2014 to $3.79 today, a staggering 138% increase. Image Credit: Getty

For example, the price of medium fries has skyrocketed from $1.59 in 2014 to $3.79 today, reflecting a staggering 138% increase.

Similarly, the classic McDouble sandwich, once priced at $1.19, now costs $3.19, indicating a significant surge of 168%. 

These rate increases surpass the overall inflation rate during the same period.

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McDonald's CEO explained variations in prices between locations, as each restaurant can set its own. Image Credit: Getty

McDonald's CEO has addressed the backlash, explaining that each restaurant can decide its own prices, leading to variations between locations.

Recognizing the concerns raised by customers on social media, McDonald's corporate office has acknowledged the need to make their food more affordable.