
Guests forced to jump into water during malfunction at the Six Flags Roaring Rapids Ride

Sunday, 30/06/2024, 13:54 (GMT+7)

On social media, a viral video showed the unexpected incident of chaos at the Six Flags Roaring Rapids Ride, which left guests forced to jump into the water, leaving viewers stunned.

A video on the TikTok platform depicted guests being forced to jump into the water during the chaos at the Six Flags Roaring Rapids Ride, gaining attention on social media.

A viral video described a malfunction at Six Flags Over Texas that turned a routine ride on the Roaring Rapids into a harrowing experience for guests this week, forcing a group of guests to jump into the water.

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Guests were forced to jump into the water during a malfunction at the Six Flags Roaring Rapids Ride. Image Credits: @jebbrownsack/Tiktok

A viral video showed an incident that occurred on the Six Flags Roaring Rapids ride.

On social media, a user going by @jebbrownsack captured an incident showing a raft on the Roaring Rapids ride becoming stuck.

The video has the caption: "Rough day at Six Flags today".

The joyous trip quickly turned into a nightmare as five rafts clustered together in one section of the ride in Arlington, Texas. The water current then appeared to reverse, prompting several people to jump into the water in hopes of escaping their rafts.

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Malfunction at the Six Flags Roaring Rapids ride results in guests being forced to leap into the water. mage Credits: @jebbrownsack/Tiktok

In the footage, a group of guests were seen jumping into the water amid shouts and gasps from onlookers.

In the video, someone can be heard shouting, "Grab the child! Okay, this ride will be closed for some time."

The rescue efforts aimed to assist guests and move them to safety

Video footage shows multiple guests leaping into the water to escape their stalled rafts. While most reached safety on their own, a young child required assistance from another rider after struggling against the current.

Amidst the commotion, park staff swiftly ensured the safe evacuation of all guests, with no reported injuries.

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A malfunction turned a routine ride into a harrowing experience, prompting guests to leap into the water for safety. Image Credits: @jebbrownsack/TiktokA malfunction turned a routine ride into a harrowing experience, prompting guests to leap into the water for safety. Image Credits: @jebbrownsack/Tiktok

Six Flags spokesperson reassured the public of safety protocols and confirmed that the ride would be temporarily closed for inspection and repairs.

After the incident, The Six Flags spokesperson said to WFAA that “all guests safely exited the ride and there were no injuries.” 

The video quickly went viral and sparked debate on social media.

Below the comments, many were shocked by this incident. Some expressed concern for the guests' safety, while others questioned whether they should continue visiting Six Flags Roaring Rapids due to the risk.

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The rescue efforts aimed to safely evacuate all guests, with special attention to those needing assistance. Image Credits: @jebbrownsack/Tiktok

One person said: I saw a gruesome story about these where the people got stuck in mechanical stuff under the water. I would noooot be jumping in there.

A second wrote: Is it just me or did the water start moving backwards at the end

While a third commented:  Not the worker running in with life preservers when it's too late.

Someone else said: The water rides are some of the SAFEST rides while you’re on it there’s no reason ever to jump off.

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The incident prompted debate and shock on social media regarding safety and visitor concerns. Image Credits: @jebbrownsack/Tiktok

Another added: Okay but like what happened to the rest of the people on the raft that was sinking?

The incident occurred earlier this week when a raft at Roaring Rapids became stuck, and guests were instructed to remain seated while the ride was restarted, according to a statement from a Six Flags spokesperson to WFAA.

Previous the incident occurred, Six Flags' website described the thrilling whitewater adventure as a unique experience featuring 'exhilarating waves and plenty of laughs.

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Six Flags' website previously described the ride as a thrilling and unpredictable whitewater adventure. Image Credits: @jebbrownsack/Tiktok

The Roaring Rapids promises a refreshing escape with its unpredictable currents and splashes, perfect for cooling off on a hot Texas day.