Hidden benefits of keeping lizards around the house that you should never overlook

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Keeping lizards in your home can bring surprising benefits, from pest control to environmental balance, making them helpful houseguests.

Finding a lizard in your house can be surprising. Many people instinctively want to chase it away or remove it.

However, there are several important reasons why you might want to think twice before doing so.

Lizards, especially common house geckos, can actually be beneficial to have around.

Here are some reasons to consider keeping them in your home.

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Image Credit: Getty

Why chasing away lizards can be a mistake?

Lizards can control natural pest

One of the biggest advantages of having lizards in your home is their ability to control pests.

They are natural predators of many insects that can be harmful or annoying.

They eat a variety of bugs, including cockroaches, flies, spiders, and moths.

By having lizards in your living space, you can reduce the number of these pests without using harmful chemicals.

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Lizards in your home can help with natural pest control. Image Credit: Getty

This natural form of pest control is not only effective but also environmentally friendly.

Instead of relying on insecticides that can harm both the ecosystem and your health, allow lizards to do the work for you.

Lizard’s presence indicates a healthy environment

Lizards thrive in areas that are ecologically balanced, which means there are enough insects for them to eat.

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If you see lizards, it may suggest that your home and garden are free from harmful chemicals.

This is a good sign for your family’s health and well-being.

When you see them, it may mean that your garden is a safe space for wildlife.

This can encourage biodiversity, as they support the natural food chain by keeping insect populations in check.

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Their presence suggest a healthy, eco-friendly environment in your home. Image Credit: Getty

Lizards are non-threatening creatures

Many people fear reptiles, thinking they might be dangerous.

However, most house lizards, such as geckos, are completely harmless.

They do not pose a threat to humans or pets. While they may bite if they feel threatened, this is rare.

Generally, they prefer to flee rather than confront a person.

Understanding that lizards are non-venomous and beneficial can help reduce fear.

Instead of viewing them as pests, think of them as helpful roommates who assist in keeping your home clean and pest-free.

Minimal impact on household items

Unlike some other animals, lizards do not cause damage to your belongings.

Many people worry about pests like mice or rats, which can chew through wires and furniture.

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They are harmless and beneficial to your household. Image Credit: Getty

Lizards, on the other hand, are not destructive. They do not eat your food or damage your property.

This makes them much easier to tolerate compared to other common household pests.

You can easily manage them

If you find a lizard in your home, you do not need to worry too much about it.

They are generally low-maintenance creatures.

They do not require special care as long as they have access to food and water.

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If you prefer not to have them in certain areas, you can gently guide them outside using a container.

It’s best not to chase or scare them, as this can stress the animal and make them harder to catch.

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This predator don’t damage property, making them low-maintenance house guests. Image Credit: Getty

People should consider about the cleaning

While lizards can be great for pest control, it’s important to keep an eye on cleanliness.

Like many reptiles, lizards can carry salmonella bacteria, which can be harmful if transmitted to humans.

However, this is not from direct contact but rather from their droppings.

If you see their feces, it’s important to clean the area thoroughly. Regular cleaning will help keep your home safe and healthy.

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