Man locks his head in a massive cage and gives wife the key to quit smoking

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A man trying to quit smoking took an extreme measure by locking his head in a large cage and giving his wife the key.

The extreme solution of Ibrahim Yucel

Ibrahim Yucel, a Turkish man, smoked heavily for over two decades before he took an extreme step to kick his smoking habit.

In 2013, in the town of Kütahya, Yucel devised a drastic solution.

He locked his head inside a cage and entrusted the key to his wife, ensuring that he could not smoke without her consent.

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Ibrahim Yucel with his head locked in a homemade copper wire cage. Image Credit: YouTube/Hürriyet

Man locks his head in a massive cage and gives wife they key to quit smoking

Why such drastic measures?

Yucel’s decision stemmed from personal tragedy.

His father had died of lung cancer after years of smoking, and Yucel, a two-pack-a-day smoker, knew he needed an unconventional method to quit.

The health risks of smoking were a pressing concern for him, particularly after seeing the devastating impact firsthand.

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The unique cage design allowed Yucel to drink water but prevented smoking. Image Credit: YouTube/Hürriyet

The cage was created to quit smoking

Yucel’s design inspiration came from motorcycle helmets.

He used 130 feet of copper wire to create a cage that fits snugly around his head, secured with a lock.

The structure allowed him to drink water through a straw but made it impossible to fit a cigarette through the gaps, preventing him from smoking.

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Once Yucel locked himself in the cage and handed the key to his wife, he could only be released during mealtimes.

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Yucel created the cage using 130 feet of copper wire for his plan. Image Credit: YouTube/Hürriyet

The design ensured that smoking was impossible, adding a physical barrier to his willpower.

However, there is little follow-up information to confirm whether Yucel’s unique strategy ultimately succeeded in helping him quit.

Social media reactions

The story caught the attention of Reddit users, sparking a wave of humorous and baffled responses.

One commenter joked about tobacco company conspiracies: “You know how they tell children not to put plastic bags over their heads? Big Tobacco propaganda.

The second user joked: He could technically still smoke with that on his head.

The third user commented: It’s a matter of discipline. Once you overcome it, you will be unstoppable.

Another said: If he can get a straw through then he can get a cigarette through!!

Someone said: It’s a matter of strong decision, all this things doesn’t matter, if he wants to smoke he can still smoke.

His hands are free he is able to remove whatever he put on his face

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Yucel’s father’s death from lung cancer inspired his extreme anti-smoking effort. Image Credit: YouTube/Hürriyet

Could this be the future of quitting?

While Yucel’s method was extreme, it raised questions about the lengths people might go to quit smoking.

Despite the availability of smoking cessation tools like patches, gum, inhalers, and vapes, perhaps an unconventional tool like Yucel’s cage is what the market has yet to explore.

Quitting smoking remains a difficult challenge for millions worldwide.

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Image Credit: Getty

Yucel’s story, though unusual, underscores the desperation many feel when trying to overcome addiction.

Whether or not the cage was successful, it serves as a reminder of the need for effective, sustainable solutions in the battle against smoking.

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