Man returns orange juice to shop and unexpectedly leaves with $315,000,000

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A man went to a store to return orange juice but ended up leaving with $315 million, an unexpected and life-changing surprise.

Recently, a man named Tayed Souami went to return a bottle of orange juice and ended up becoming a millionaire.

This incredible story began on May 19, 2018, when his wife asked him to take back a carton of juice to their local store.

Little did he know that this simple errand would change his life forever.

man goes to return orange juice to shop but unexpectedly receives a whoppin 13709
Tayeb Souami returns orange juice but unexpectedly becomes a millionaire. Image Credit: YouTube/CBS

The man drove to the store to return juice.

Tayeb lived in New Jersey and worked as an accountant for a food importer.

At the time, he didn’t have much money and was carefully budgeting their household expenses.

When he bought a $5 bottle of orange juice, his wife thought it was too expensive.

She insisted that he return it and find something cheaper.

So, Tayeb got back into his car and drove from Little Ferry to the ShopRite in Hackensack.

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The man drove to the store to return orange juice without learning about an unexpected luck. Image Credit: YouTube/CBS

While waiting in line, he noticed a commercial for the Powerball lottery.

On a whim, he thought, “Why not give it a try?”

If he lost, it would just be another expense he would have to explain to his wife.

The man unexpectedly received $315 million in lottery

Tayeb decided to use the refund from the orange juice to buy two lottery tickets.

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After making his purchase, he completely forgot about the tickets and went home.

That night, he went to bed without checking the numbers.

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While waiting in line, Tayeb decided to buy lottery tickets. Image Credit: YouTube/CBS

The next day, while at a car wash, he suddenly remembered the tickets.

He saw a nearby 7-Eleven and decided to check them. He used the store’s lottery machine to scan his tickets.

The first ticket was a loser, and he felt anxious about explaining that he had wasted money.

When he scanned the second ticket, the machine displayed a message that said, “Must be seen by the retailer.”

Confused, Tayeb took the ticket to the cashier and what happened next was unbelievable.

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Tayeb scanned the ticket and was stunned by the $315 million win. Image Credit: YouTube/CBS

Tayeb won $315 million and became a millionaire.

When the cashier scanned the ticket, she gasped and said, “Oh my god, oh my god!”

Tayeb’s heart raced as she informed him that he had won a staggering $315 million.

In just a few moments, he went from being a regular man returning orange juice to a millionaire.

News of his win spread quickly, and a press conference was held where Tayeb shared his excitement.

He expressed his plans to use the money to pay for the education of his son and daughter, who were 20 and 17 at the time.

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Tayeb plans to use his fortune for his children’s education. Image Credit: YouTube/CBS

In a light-hearted moment, he joked, “I love orange juice now.”

It was a funny remark that captured the joy of his unexpected fortune.

Tayeb’s life changed dramatically after winning millions.

Becoming a millionaire overnight changed Tayeb’s life dramatically.

He went from worrying about small expenses to having millions at his disposal.

While he was initially cautious about spending, he also looked forward to providing for his children’s future.

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