Security camera captures ghost flying past restaurant leading to police intervention

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A ‘ghost’ appears on a security camera outside a haunted restaurant, causing a police response to investigate the event.

In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a restaurant is making headlines after a strange event occurred on its security cameras.

The Library Restaurant, known for its ghost stories, captured what many believe to be a ghostly figure on video.

This eerie sighting has not only intrigued locals but also prompted a visit from the police.

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Library Restaurant security camera captures eerie footage of a ghostly figure. Image Credit: Facebook/ Library Restaurant

Security camera captures ghost flying past restaurant leading to police intervention

The eerie footage was recorded late at night outside the Library Restaurant.

In the video, a fast-moving white object can be seen flying past the camera.

This sighting was so unusual that it triggered the restaurant’s motion detector alarms for the very first time.

The restaurant’s staff shared the footage on social media, hoping to get opinions from the public.

“Last night, for the very first time our motion detector alarms INSIDE the building were set off by this camera motion caught on video in the dead of night outside the window,” the restaurant explained.

In their post, the restaurant explained that they had never experienced motion detectors going off before.

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Restaurant staff share footage online, seeking public opinions about sighting. Image Credit: Facebook/ Library Restaurant

They noted that the video showed an object that wasn’t the headlights of a passing car, as other vehicles passed without triggering the alarms.

The restaurant staff wondered what this strange occurrence could be, especially given the time of year as Halloween approaches.

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“It is not lights from the car – because you can see how others are picked up and there is no horizontal wind blowing,” the restaurant pointed out.

“So what can this be! Make of it what you will but this has never happened before! Spooky coincidence for the time of year?”

The ghost sightseeing triggers police intervention

After the alarms went off, police arrived at the restaurant to check on the situation.

They called in to investigate what activated the motion detectors.

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Police investigate unusual motion detector alarm triggered by strange object. Image Credit: Facebook/ Library Restaurant

The staff at the Library Restaurant were curious and somewhat anxious about the strange event.

They were also excited to see what the police would find.

Adrienne Waterman, one of the restaurant’s co-owners, mentioned that she has experienced odd occurrences in the past.

She recalled items mysteriously falling off shelves but added that it is easy to rationalize these events.

Waterman’s experiences add to the restaurant’s reputation as a place filled with ghostly tales.

“You can always try and rationalize that type of thing.”

Local responded to the incident

Once people shared the footage online, they quickly began to comment and share their thoughts.

Some locals shared their own ghost stories, including tales of a “lady in white” who people have seen in the building.

This character has become part of the local lore, adding to the restaurant’s haunted reputation.

The executive chef at the Library, Marc Lipoma, raised some skepticism about the ghostly claims.

He admitted that he doesn’t consider himself superstitious and prefers to look for logical explanations.

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However, he also acknowledged that the strange happenings keep customers intrigued and coming back.

The restaurant’s history

The Library Restaurant is located in the historic Rockingham House, which has a long history dating back to 1785.

Originally built as a home, it later became a hotel in 1833.

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Historic Library Restaurant’s haunted past attracts curious visitors and paranormal enthusiasts. Image Credit: Getty

Over the years, the building has seen its share of events, including a fire in 1884 that destroyed much of it.

The restaurant attracts visitors curious about its haunted past after being rebuilt and serving as a dining spot.

The combination of the building’s age, its history of fires, and the many ghost stories surrounding it makes it a prime location for paranormal activity.

Many believe that the spirits of those who once lived there may still linger

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