Man reveals sleeping less might extend lifespan as he’s been sleeping just 30 minutes a day for 12 years

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A man believes sleeping just 30 minutes a day for the past 12 years has helped him extend his lifespan significantly.

A man from Japan named Daisuke Hori has become famous for his unusual sleep habits. 

For the past 12 years, he claims to have slept only 30 minutes each day. 

Hori believes that this lifestyle has helped him “double” his life and improve his work performance. 

His story has sparked interest and debate about the importance of sleep.

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Daisuke Hori claims minimal sleep has helped him ‘double’ his life. Image Credit: Motorion

The man adopts a unique approach to sleeping minimally.

Daisuke Hori is not just any person; he is an entrepreneur and a bodybuilder. 

He has trained his mind and body to function well on very little sleep. 

A Japanese television crew recently followed him for three days to observe his daily routine. 

Despite his short sleep schedule, Hori wakes up feeling energetic and ready to tackle the day.

According to Hori, he has found ways to stay awake and alert. 

He suggests that doing sports or drinking coffee an hour before meals can help people avoid feeling sleepy. 

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Hori wakes up energized despite sleeping just 30 minutes a day. Image Credit: Getty

He believes that those who need to concentrate for long periods can benefit more from quality sleep rather than long hours of sleep. 

Hori cites firefighters and doctors as examples of people who perform well even with limited rest.

‘As long as you do sports or drink coffee an hour before eating, you can stave off drowsiness,’ he said in the show.

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‘People who need sustained focus in their work benefit more from high-quality sleep than long sleep.’

The decision to sleep less

He realized that 16 hours of awake time each day was not enough for him to accomplish everything he wanted.

He started researching ways to reduce his sleep and has been successful in doing so. 

His dedication to this lifestyle has led him to teach others about short sleep methods.

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He teaches people to sleep less with his unique methods. Image Credit: Motorion

In 2016, Hori founded the Japan Short Sleepers Training Association. 

This organization offers classes on how to get by with less sleep.

His month-long course costs around ¥55,000, which is about $490. 

Many people have taken his classes, and Hori claims to have taught over 2,100 students how to become “ultra-short sleepers.”

Many students report success with Hori’s sleep methods.

One of Hori’s students, a woman, reported that she was able to reduce her sleep to just 90 minutes per day for four years. 

She said that she maintained good mental health during this time. 

This success story has encouraged others to consider Hori’s methods.

Hori’s approach has received mixed reactions online. 

Some people praise him for his unique lifestyle and call him a “master of time management.” 

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His short sleep methods lead to mixed reactions from the public. Image Credit: Motorion

They admire his ability to make the most of his waking hours. 

On the other hand, some viewers are skeptical. 

They argue that those who believe they can function well on little sleep may not realize the negative effects it can have on their health.

The importance of sleep

Experts generally agree that sleep is essential for good health. 

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Lack of sleep can lead to various health issues, including hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression, heart problems, and strokes. 

Studies have shown that going without sleep for several days can cause serious problems, such as hallucinations and delirium. 

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Experts emphasize the importance of 7-9 hours of sleep for health. Image Credit: Motorion


While Hori’s claims are intriguing, they raise questions about the long-term effects of such a drastic change in sleep patterns. 

Most health professionals recommend getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night for optimal health and well-being.

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