
Man tests antivirus software by downloading 1,000 viruses

Thursday, 16/05/2024, 18:42 (GMT+7)

A man is installing 100 viruses on his gaming PC to test the antivirus software

Nicholas Zetta embarks on an unconventional approach

In a daring experiment, a man downloaded 1,000 viruses onto his laptop to determine the most effective antivirus software.

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Nicholas Zetta experiments with downloading 1,000 viruses. Image Credits: @Basically Homeless/Youtube

This unconventional approach was undertaken by YouTuber Nicholas Zetta, also known as Basically Homeless, and is every hacker's dream scenario.

Nicholas is conducting an experiment in which he downloads 1,000 viruses

Instead of avoiding viruses as most of us do, Nicholas took a different path.

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nconventional method aims to test antivirus software. Image Credits: @Basically Homeless/Youtube

He ignored all the fake links and phishing scams, the dodgy text messages and emails, and downloaded every virus he could find. His goal was to test which antivirus software was the best, albeit in a rather unscientific way.

The process was straightforward but risky.

It involved clicking on as many suspicious-looking websites and links as possible.

Soon, his laptop was inundated with advertisements, butterflies flying across the screen, and a peculiar version of Minecraft.

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Unconventional method aims to test antivirus software. Image Credits: @Basically Homeless/Youtube

He even found a website with a directory of ready-to-download malware viruses, allowing him to download a large number of viruses at once.

This experiment involved a lot of clicking 'yes' on dialog boxes without considering what he was downloading.

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Antivirus programs are tested against the viruses. Image Credits: @Basically Homeless/Youtube

This meant he was granting access to his computer's systems, a move that would typically be avoided.

Disturbingly, he noticed that many of these pop-up ads and dubious sites targeted younger people, luring them with 'hack packages' for popular games like Fortnite and Roblox.

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Nicholas intentionally downloads viruses to his laptop. Image Credits: @Basically Homeless/Youtube

Nicholas tests the antivirus software after downloading 1,000 viruses.

After downloading several hundred viruses, Nicholas decided to test his antivirus programs.

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Experiment highlights importance of robust antivirus protection Image Credits: @Basically Homeless/Youtube .

He installed a range of antivirus software, from Norton to McAfee and Bitdefender to Kaspersky, in an attempt to protect his device. The more effective programs were able to identify hundreds of threats.

However, in true YouTube style, he promised to document the process of deep-cleaning the software in a subsequent video on his channel.

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Risky process involves clicking on suspicious links. Image Credits: @Basically Homeless/Youtube

This unique experiment serves as a reminder of the importance of robust antivirus software and the risks associated with downloading from unverified sources.

Watching the video: