Mom-of-two sparks debate as charging her kids for driving them places

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A mom of two has sparked debate on social media after charging her kids for rides to various places she drives.

In a modern twist on parenting, a mom has started charging her children for rides, similar to a taxi service. 

This creative approach has sparked discussions among parents and families about the value of money and responsibility.

Mom-of-two sparks debate as charging her kids for driving them places

The Australian mother implemented this system after realizing her kids expected rides without considering gas costs or her time.

She wanted her children to understand that transportation has a price, just like many other things in life. 

By charging them, she hoped to teach them about budgeting and making choices.

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Mom charges kids for rides to teach them about money. Image Credit: Kidspot

How does the system work?

The mom set up a simple payment plan. 

Each time she drives her kids to a location, such as school, sports practice, or a friend’s house, they must pay a small fee. 

The price is similar to what an Uber might charge for a ride. This fee covers gas and the wear and tear on the family car.

Before the rides, the mom explains how much each trip will cost. 

The kids can then decide if they want to pay for the ride or find another way to get there. 

This strategy encourages them to think about their options and the value of money.

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The reactions of her kids

Initially, the kids were surprised by the idea. 

They had always taken rides for granted and didn’t realize the costs involved. 

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Mother creates simple payment plan for transportation costs and responsibilities. Image Credit: Kidspot

Some were unhappy about paying for rides, while others saw it as a fair way to understand money better.

As time went on, the kids began to adapt to the new system. 

They started to plan their trips more carefully, considering whether the ride was worth the cost. 

For example, if they wanted to go to a friend’s house, they might think twice about paying for the ride if they could walk or bike instead.

Teaching financial responsibility

The mom believes that this approach helps her children learn financial responsibility. 

By charging them for rides, she is showing them that money has value. 

They cannot just spend it without thinking about what they are buying. 

This lesson is important as they grow older and start managing their own finances.

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Mom teaches financial responsibility by charging for transportation. Image Credit: Kidspot


Social media reactions

Many parents appreciate the idea, seeing it as a practical way to teach kids about money management. 

Some parents have even started similar systems in their own homes, encouraging their children to understand the costs of everyday activities.

You taught your 14 year old to hang clothes on a hanger?  He felt proud cutting veggies for a salad!  

Lady these things are things good Mothers teach their kids years before the age of 14!  

You do realize you are the Mom right?  Maybe spend less time bring an Uber and teach your children lifes tasks! One user said.

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They are failing as parents. 

And … it isn’t the job of a child to be grateful … did they reach out from the great beyond and demand to be born or did you make that choice for them? 

Sheesh … the good/bad of being a parent are not a secret, the second user commented.

She is starting a bit late being a parent with rules and such – should have done this when the kids were 2 years old and taught them to respect her then. 

Cannot feel sorry for this lady now…, the third user commented.

What did I just read? Give me that life back, another wrote.

Great idea.  You realize you need to claim that on your taxes, right, someone said.

A balanced view considers both sides of the argument.

While some people support this method, others feel it might be too harsh. 

Critics argue that parents should provide transportation to their children without extra charges, as it is part of parenting.

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Image Credit: Getty

They believe that teaching financial lessons can be done in other ways, such as through chores or saving allowances.

The mom, however, maintains that her method is not about being strict. 

Instead, she sees it as an opportunity for her children to learn valuable life skills. 

She wants them to grow up understanding the importance of money and the effort it takes to earn it.

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