
New Google feature sparks concerns about dangers in searching for information

Thursday, 06/06/2024, 17:17 (GMT+7)

A recently introduced feature by Google has raised concerns among users due to the potential dangers it poses while searching for information.

The new Google feature called AI Overview has caused worry among people.

It was supposed to make finding information easier, but it has given wrong and dangerous results. This has made people question the trustworthiness of Google's AI technology.

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Google's AI aimed to simplify information retrieval, but recent errors have raised trust concerns. Image Credit: Getty

The feature, called AI Overview, aims to simplify the process of finding relevant information on the internet. However, some users have encountered alarming and incorrect results, leading to potential risks.

The new Google feature called AI Overview was made to help people find answers quickly. 

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AI Overview simplifies internet search but yields alarming, inaccurate results, posing potential risks to users. Image Credit: Getty

It gives a summary of search results, so users don't have to look through lots of entries. It's supposed to save time, especially when searching for specific solutions or information hidden in online forums or websites.

Unfortunately, the practical implementation of AI Overview has proven to be problematic.

Users have reported receiving misleading and dangerous suggestions.

For instance, the feature has recommended smoking cigarettes during pregnancy, using glue to secure cheese on pizzas, and even endorsing the consumption of small rocks daily, which poses obvious dangers to one's health.

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AI Overview's recommendations include dangerous practices like smoking during pregnancy. Image Credit: Getty

Moreover, some users discovered that the AI provided misleading information about public figures, such as falsely claiming that former US president Barack Obama is a Muslim, perpetuating a baseless conspiracy theory. 

These inaccuracies undermine the reliability and credibility of the AI Overview feature. Technology companies know that AI can be easily tricked or used to spread wrong information. 

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Inaccuracies undermine AI Overview, raising concerns about misinformation and vulnerability to manipulation. Image Credit: Getty

Google has recognized these problems and said they are working on solving them. 

They have removed some AI responses that broke their rules and promised to make the system better using feedback from users.

A spokesperson from Google emphasized that the majority of AI Overviews provide valuable and accurate information, with links to explore further.

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After removing rule-breaking AI responses, they vowed to improve the system based on user feedback. Image Credit: Getty

They acknowledged that some of the problematic examples were uncommon queries or manipulated results that couldn't be reproduced. 

Google assured users that extensive testing was conducted before the feature's launch, and they are swiftly taking appropriate actions to enhance the system and adhere to content policies.

Recently, a woman in Australia experienced a heartbreaking loss of over $300,000 after a quick Google search.

When she searched for "best fixed-term investment rates," one of the top search results appeared to be a reputable comparison website. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a landing page created by scammers.

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She found a seemingly reputable comparison website that was a scam. Image Credit: Facebook

Soon after visiting the website, she received three phone calls from individuals claiming to be representatives from different financial service companies.

They used the names of real employees and offered her supposedly better investment rates.

Everything seemed legitimate to her, even the names and phone numbers she checked, which appeared to be from genuine sources.

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Devastatingly, $300,000 was transferred to the scammers' account over two weeks, leaving her shattered. Image Credit: Getty

In the following weeks, the situation took a turn for the worse. The scammers began sending her fraudulent emails and forms, instructing her to complete them and submit them to the legal department.

She was devastated to learn that $300,000 had been transferred to the scammers' account through multiple transactions over two weeks.

She felt betrayed by her bank for allowing such a large sum to be transferred without proper verification.