
Optical illusion reveals whether you're high EQ or logical and fair

Tuesday, 27/02/2024, 14:35 (GMT+7)

Mia explains that optical illusions can provide insights into one's personality based on the first thing they see in the picture.

Mia Yilin, a TikTok content creator with a following surpassing 450,000, recently gained significant attention for a photo that featured a captivating optical illusion.

In a recent video, Mia captivated her audience by sharing an optical illusion, sparking widespread conversations on social media.

She explained in the video that what people first identify in the image could offer insights into their personalities. 

Optical illusion reveals whether you're high EQ or logical and fair 1
In the video, the optical illusion shows both a cat and a high heel. Image: @Mia Yilin/Tik Tok

The optical illusion intriguingly combines both a cat and a high heel. However, based on the first thing you see in this picture, it becomes a fascinating tool for personality analysis.

Mia reveals that an optical illusion is more than just a visual trick; it reflects one's character, depending on the first thing you see in this picture.

Throughout the footage, Mia explained the importance of optical illusions as a means to uncover and discuss various aspects of personality, that they can offer in understanding oneself and others.

Optical illusion reveals whether you're high EQ or logical and fair 

Optical illusion reveals whether you're high EQ or logical and fair 2
Mia suggests that seeing the cat first indicates high emotional intelligence (EQ). Image: @Mia Yilin/Tik Tok

Depending on the first thing they see in the image, Mia explained that the optical illusion in this picture can provide insights into a person's personality. 

Within the video, Mia explained the meaning of the first object in this picture.

If you first see the cat, Mia explains that you have a very high EQ. 

According to Mia, this is because you're great at reading other people's thoughts from their behavior and expressions and know how to deal with them in the best way possible.

As a result, you are very popular and are a pro at socializing.

On the other hand, Mia explained the meaning of the high hell in this picture.

If you first saw the high heel, then you are a super logical and fair person.

Optical illusion reveals whether you're high EQ or logical and fair 3
Mia also suggests that if you see the heel in this picture, you are a super logical and fair person. Image: @Mia Yilin/Tik Tok

If you are stuck in a dilemma, you will always make the morally right choice or relationship. Because you are so wise and intelligent. 

Mia also points out that you always leave others with a great impression. You have a mysterious and sophisticated aura yourself and you are also extremely attractive.  

In the comments section beneath the video, several users express their opinions about Mia's revelation.

Some viewers took to the comments to share their thoughts on Mia's sharing.

Optical illusion reveals whether you're high EQ or logical and fair 4
Depending on the first thing you see in this picture, an optical illusion can offer insights into a person's personality. Image: @Mia Yilin/Tik Tok

While many were astonished by Mia's insights, some others were still skeptical.

One person said: Finally, your wrong, I was really frightened how much accurate the other videos were.

A second wrote: Hate to tell you that i saw both in the same time.

While a third commented: Cat, nailed it except I extremely introverted. I'm good at socializing but I don't like it.

Someone elese said: heels, but i dont think that last part was correct

Another added: I'm a cat and I'm knowing as a....the worst guy in the class....I know how to make ppl mad it's so fun.