
People are only just finding exact location where the Titanic sank

Thursday, 23/05/2024, 21:09 (GMT+7)

The recent revelation has come as a surprise to many, as it opposes the widely-held belief about the Titanic sank location.

A remarkable revelation emerged, capturing the attention of the public, which was the true location of the Titanic's sinking.

In a surprising twist, it has been revealed that the ill-fated ship sank closer to the shores of Newfoundland, Canada.

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The true location of Titanic's sinking captivates the public's attention. Image Credit: Getty

The Titanic was tragically sank in 1912, causing the death of numerous passengers onboard.

In 1912, a big ship called the Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg. It was a very large ship that was supposed to be unsinkable.

It started its first trip from Southampton, UK to New York, USA. But just four days into the journey, it had a terrible ending in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. More than 1,500 people lost their lives.

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Titanic's maiden voyage from Southampton to New York ended tragically, claiming 1,500 lives. Image Credit: Getty

According to records, out of the 2,201 passengers on the Titanic, 1,489 ended up in the water and unfortunately, all of them were reported to have drowned.

However, a 2003 study suggested that the main cause of death was actually hypothermia from being immersed in freezing water at -2.2°C (28°F), which caused people to freeze to death.

The extreme cold and large chunks of ice have led many to believe that the Titanic sank much farther away from America.

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Cold and ice sparked the belief that the Titanic sank far from America's shores. Image Credit: Getty

Recent maps revealing the exact location of the ship's final resting place have surprised a lot of people.

Recently, there has been a lot of attention on the Titanic again because a special submarine called Titan went missing while exploring the wreck of the ship. 

Sadly, all five people on board the submarine died. This tragic event has brought back memories of the Titanic and made people realize that it didn't sink where they thought it did.

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New information suggests Titanic sank closer to US shores than previously believed. Image Credit: Getty

According to the latest information, it appears that the Titanic sank closer to the shores of the United States than previously thought.

Rather than in a remote area of the vast Atlantic Ocean, the actual location is near the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. This discovery is significant and has garnered considerable public attention and interest.

For decades, the assumed location of the Titanic's sinking was based on historical accounts and estimations. 

However, advancements in technology and deep-sea explorations have allowed researchers to reexamine the evidence and provide a more accurate assessment.

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Titanic's actual location near Newfoundland, Canada, garners public attention and interest. Image Credit: X

Through a combination of sonar imaging, underwater mapping, and analysis of survivor testimonies, experts have been able to piece together a clearer picture of where the tragic event happened.

Another surprising fact that has left many people shocked is the incredible depth at which the Titanic wreck is located.

The remains of the ship lie in separate pieces on the ocean floor, approximately 3,810 meters (12,500 feet) below the surface of the ocean.

Additionally, the two main sections of the wreckage are positioned around 790 meters (2,600 feet) apart from each other.