People mind-blown after discovering benefit behind sticking two pieces of urgo on air conditioner

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People were amazed to learn that sticking two pieces of adhesive strips on an air conditioner can improve its efficiency significantly.

Many people rely on air conditioning to stay cool during hot summer months.

While air conditioners are great for cooling rooms, there is an interesting trick that can enhance their effectiveness.

This involves using simple band-aids, and it has left many people amazed by the results.

People mind-blown after discovering benefit behind sticking two pieces of urgo on air conditioner

The benefits of this simple method are remarkable.

When the air conditioner runs, it blows cool air through the band-aids.

The cool air carries the scent of the essential oil throughout the room. This creates a refreshing and pleasant atmosphere.

people mind-blown after discovering benefit behind sticking two pieces of u 11473
Sticking band-aids improves cooling and aroma. Image Credit: Getty

Many people find that the scent of menthol or peppermint helps them feel more relaxed and comfortable.

In addition to creating a nice aroma, the menthol scent can also help repel mosquitoes.

This is particularly useful during summer when these pesky insects are more active.

With fewer mosquitoes around, you can enjoy your indoor space without interruptions.

Additional uses

The use of menthol oil isn’t limited to just the air conditioner.

You can stick band-aids containing menthol oil on window screens as well. This will help keep mosquitoes from entering your home.

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Placing band-aids with menthol oil on doorways is another effective method.

Each time the door opens, the scent will spread, making it less likely for mosquitoes to come inside.

people mind-blown after discovering benefit behind sticking two pieces of u 11475
Essential oil band-aids create a refreshing atmosphere indoors. Image Credit: Getty

This simple trick not only improves the comfort of your home but also enhances your overall experience during the hot months.

How to use this useful trick for your air conditioner?

The trick involves using two band-aids, often reffered to as “urgo” in some regions.

The process is quite easy and can be done in just a few minutes. You start by peeling off the adhesive backing of the band-aids.

Next, place them flat on a table. In the center of each band-aid, there is a small cotton pad.

To make the most of this method, take some essential oil or menthol oil from home. Add a few drops of this oil to the cotton pads in the band-aids.

Be careful not to let the oil touch the adhesive part, as this may reduce its stickiness.

Once the cotton pads are soaked with the oil, stick the band-aids on either side of the air conditioner’s vents.

people mind-blown after discovering benefit behind sticking two pieces of u 11476
Band-aids with menthol oil keep pesky insects away. Image Credit: Getty

Tips for optimal use on the air conditioner

To maximize the benefits of using band-aids with essential oils in your air conditioning system, here are some helpful tips:

Choose the right temperature

Setting the right temperature on your air conditioner is essential for comfort and energy savings.

The ideal temperature range is between 23–27 degrees Celsius.

Avoid setting it too low, as this can lead to higher energy costs and wear on the unit.

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Cool down before entering

If you have been outside in the heat, take a moment to cool down before entering an air-conditioned room.

This can help your body adjust more comfortably to the cooler environment.

people mind-blown after discovering benefit behind sticking two pieces of u 11474
Apply essential oil to band-aids for quick results. Image Credit: Getty

Stay hydrated

It’s important to drink plenty of water while spending time in air-conditioned spaces.

Cooling can sometimes lead to dehydration, so make sure to keep hydrated.

Avoid direct airflow

Try not to sit directly in front of the air conditioner. This can lead to discomfort and even health issues.

Position yourself in a way that allows for even air distribution.

Regular maintenance

Regularly clean your air conditioner to prevent dust and bacteria buildup. A clean unit operates more efficiently and provides better air quality.

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