Tesla owner furious after paying $26,000 for a new battery following lockout

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On social media, many viewers were stunned after a Tesla owner was ‘locked out of his car until he pays $26,000 for a new battery.’

On TikTok, one Tesla owner found himself in an unexpected issue in his vehicle. He faced being ‘locked out of his car until he pays $26,000 for a new battery.’

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A Tesla owner was locked out of his car and forced to pay $26,000 for a new battery. Image Credits: tiktok/supermariozelaya


An enraged Tesla owner claims he was forced out of his vehicle via remote access.

He had to pay $26,000 for a new battery to regain access.

A furious Tesla owner shared a video on TikTok where he claimed that his car was remotely disabled.

He paid $26,000 for a new battery in this incident.

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On TikTok, Mario Zelaya shared his frustration about his Tesla on viral video. Image Credits: tiktok/supermariozelaya


In the viral video on social media, a content creator known as Mario Zelaya posted a video on Tiktok, revealing that he felt fuming after his Tesla car.

He spent $140,000 to own. However, his car allegedly locked itself automatically after the battery ran out.

In the footage, he explained that he was extremely furious after his Tesla car clocked out. He even plans to sell the car because the new battery is very expensive.

He realized that his proof of ownership papers were inside the vehicle. Meanwhile, the Tesla had automatically locked itself, preventing him from selling it.

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The owner had to pay $26,000 to regain access to his car. Image Credits: tiktok/supermariozelaya


In the viral video on Tiktok, Mario also complained about the company; however, his car had been plugged in and was still not unlocked.

See also  Tesla owner reveals insights on battery health after driving 150,000 miles in almost five years

Below the video, in the comment section, several users suggested that he try to dismantle the car, but he explained he didn’t have time for that.

Fortunately, he managed to obtain a copy of the papers for $30 (£26) and subsequently sold the car for $19,000 (£16,600).

He explained this to Tesla’s owner, who faced the same problem.

He added, “Tesla’s trying to sweep it under the rug.”. “They won’t give them any explanation of why their battery died.”

The Tesla in question was purchased in 2013. Models from that year and 2014 are known to have a problem where fluid leakage onto the battery can lead to significant issues.

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Furious Tesla owner ‘locked out of car until he pays $26,000 for a new battery. Image Credits: tiktok/supermariozelaya


Then, the motorist claimed in the video that he called the Tesla car is ” “brutal” “brutal” and would never buy it again.

He said, “I’ll never buy another Tesla again. That’s the long way of me saying stay the f**k away from Teslas.

“They’re brutal cars, brutal manufacturing, and even worse, they’re a 10-year-old company.”

Then, the motorist claimed in the video that he called the Tesla car is “brutal” and would never buy it again.

Social media creation.

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After paying $30 for a copy of the documents, he was lucky enough to eventually sell the car for $19,000. Image Credits: tiktok/supermariozelaya


Below the video, several people mentioned that their pre-existing problems in the car were made worse. While, another person complained that Tesla services do not include an assessment of the battery.”.

One person said: So if your engine died after almost a decade of ownership. Do you feel like the manufacturer is responsible, even after the warranty?

A second wrote: You need to read the sale contract again, especially for small print. They say rost isn’t an issue. only if metal rost through from inside then is on them. 

While a third commented: WOW. You would think at that price point they’d get the best customer service.


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