
Truth behind one of the most-seen images of all time

Monday, 03/06/2024, 21:27 (GMT+7)

On social media, many users shared an image that is one of the most seen images of all time, mistakenly believing it was made using CGI.

When we think of the most viewed images in history, we probably think of iconic images like the Mona Lisa or the photo of the Earth rising from the Moon.

However, while these images are famous, they are not necessarily the most common.

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People were stunned to learn one of the most seen images is actually a photo, not CGI. Image Credits: Getty

Surprisingly, one of the most viewed images of all time is a wallpaper for one of the most widely used computer operating systems in the world, Windows.

The Windows 10 stock background

The Windows 10 stock background is one of the most-seen images of all time. The picture features a four-paned window with pale blue light streaming through, set against a deep blue expanse.

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The image appears digitally created but is made with practical effects. Image Credits: Getty

Many technology enthusiasts mistakenly believed this image was digitally manipulated; however, it's actually a photograph created using practical effects. 

The stock background for Windows 10 is the result of extraordinary practical effects orchestrated by designer and director Bradley Munkowitz, also known as GMUNK. Munkowitz and his team managed to achieve this stunning visual without relying on CGI.

How to create the Windows 10 background

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Famous images like the Mona Lisa and 'Earth Rise' aren't the most seen. Image Credits: Getty

This iconic image was created by Munkowitz. He started with a cut-out frame resembling the trademark Windows window. Positioned against a wall of black curtains, it awaited transformation.

Blue lasers were then directed through the frame in various patterns. These lasers interacted with the setup to create mesmerizing and intricate images.

Out of the numerous patterns and effects captured, the team selected the most visually striking one to become the iconic Windows 10 background.

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One of the most seen images is a Windows computer background. Image Credits: Getty

This image is the perfect blend of light and shadow.

On social media, many users expressed their astonishment and appreciation for the artistry involved.

One person said: Wow I'm so stunned, astonished and mesmerized by the fact that it's actually a window with a light coming through it for a Windows wallpaper. I can't believe it!! 

A second wrote: I stopped at windows 98,

I refuse to use it until they do a worthwhile reboot in 74 years.

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The Windows 10 background was created by Bradley Munkowitz using practical effects. Image Credits: Getty

While a third commented: I feel like this OS got clunkier and clunkier with each generation. So much bloatware. I hold my breath every time they issue an update.

Another said: one of the most seem (IMAGES) of all time is actually a (PHOTO)… No f**king way.

Somone else joked: That good camera work would stun anyone is what stuns me.