
Woman shares phrase to ensure you won't be rejected from using restaurant toilet in emergencies

Sunday, 02/06/2024, 13:04 (GMT+7)

There is a trick that will help you gain access to restaurant toilets in emergencies.

Finding a restroom in public can be difficult. Some places don't allow strangers to use their facilities. 

However, one woman has a hack that works. Most places will let you in. It's a simple and effective solution.

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Public restrooms can be hard to find. One woman has a hack that usually works to access a restaurant toilet. Image Credit: Getty

You can't access a restaurant toilet easily if you don't have a clever solution.

Bianca Stelian, known as @infinitebs on social media, shared her secret sentence that restaurants apparently can't refuse. 

In a TikTok video, she explained that if you're in need of a restroom and there are no public facilities nearby, you should search for the nearest hotel or eatery. 

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Bianca Stelian (@infinitebs) shared a sentence that restaurants can't refuse. Image Credit: TikTok

According to Bianca, if you happen to find a hotel, you can simply walk straight in, find the bathroom, use it, and leave without any issues. 

The front desk staff isn't there to police whether you're a hotel guest or not, so you can confidently enter and take care of your business.

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Stelian said you can't easily enter a restaurant toilet without permission. Image Credit: TikTok

However, when it comes to restaurants, things can be a bit trickier. 

Without a reservation, it's not easy to find an excuse that will convince them to let you use their restroom. But Bianca claims to have a brilliant solution for this dilemma. 

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Bianca has a brilliant solution for using restaurant restrooms without a reservation. Image Credit: TikTok

Woman shares phrase ensuring you won't be rejected from using restaurant toilet in emergencies

She suggests approaching the front desk and saying, "Hey, I'm so sorry, I think I left my phone in the you mind if I go check for it?" 

According to her, they are almost always going to say yes, as they have no reason to refuse. You can then enter the restroom, do what you need to do, and emerge victoriously.

Bianca also advises that you don't need to say anything to anyone on your way out. 

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Bianca suggests saying you left your phone in the restaurant's bathroom to gain access. Image Credit: TikTok

If you happen to run into someone you asked earlier, you can simply apologize and say that your item wasn't in the bathroom.

If you're not carrying a phone, you can replace it with something else like a purse or any item that you don't have on you at that moment. 

The key is to have another reason to go into the restroom rather than just asking to use it directly.

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If you don't have a phone with you, you can substitute it with another item. Image Credit: TikTok

This clever hack shared by Bianca has impressed many social media users who flooded the comment section with praise. 

Remarkably, this trick should be used responsibly and with respect for the establishments you visit.

Desperate times call for creative measures, and Bianca's hack might just save the day when nature calls and there's no restroom in sight.

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Use this trick responsibly and show respect for the establishments you visit. Image Credit: Getty

I mean I'm sure they'd rather you use their toilet than piss, or shit on their floor, one user said.

“I’m on my period” also works wonders, just saying! The second user said.

I'm gonna poop on the floor? Can't see how that would fail, the third user joked.

My phrase: would you like a violent waterfall of sadness to happen in front of you or in there eather way this is happening, another shared.