
Woman breaks down in tears after losing over $300K for quick Google search

Saturday, 25/05/2024, 16:00 (GMT+7)

After a quick Google search, the woman immediately lost a whopping $300,000.

A woman in Australia experienced a heartbreaking loss of $300,000 after falling victim to a scam that originated from a simple Google search. 

Jo O'Brien, devastated by the incident, shared her story and the red flags she missed. 

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A woman suffered a devastating loss of $300,000 after becoming a victim of a scam by a basic Google search. Image Credit: Getty

Woman breaks down in tears after losing over $300K for a quick Google search

When Jo searched for "the best fixed-term investment rates" on Google, among the top search results was a link that appeared to be a reputable comparison website.

However, it turned out to be a landing page created by scammers. 

Shortly after visiting the website, Jo received three phone calls from individuals claiming to be representatives from different financial service companies, including a well-known institution called AMP. 

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Jo's Google search for "best fixed-term investment rates" led her to a scammer's landing page. Image Credit: Getty

These scammers used the names of real employees and offered her supposedly better investment rates. 

To Jo, everything seemed legitimate. She even checked the names and phone numbers they provided, which appeared to be from genuine sources in Sydney.

Over the next few weeks, everything went wrong.

The scammers sent her fake emails and forms, instructing her to fill them out before being passed on to the legal department. 

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Jo had not any suspected about the scammers' page. Image Credit: Facbook

Although there were small things that could have made Jo suspicious, like wrong punctuation, she didn't notice. 

Even her accountant, who checked the papers, didn't find anything to worry about.

Believing the scammers, Jo shared her personal details and received information about a National Australia Bank (NAB) account. 

She thought it was connected to her name and local branch in Melbourne. 

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Jo fell for the scammers' deception, providing her personal details and receiving information about a National Australia Bank account. Image Credit: Getty

Unfortunately, she didn't know that the money she sent went to the scammers' offshore account. Jo didn't suspect anything wrong, as the scammers made everything seem legitimate.

In an attempt to retrieve her funds, Jo contacted her bank and informed them of the situation. 

Unfortunately, it was too late. She was devastated to discover that $300,000 had been transferred in multiple transactions over two weeks to the scammers' account. 

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Jo was devastated to learn that $300,000 had been transferred to the scammers' account over two weeks. Image Credit: Getty

Jo felt let down by her bank, as they had allowed such a large sum to be transferred without proper verification.

Tragically, Jo was not the only victim of this scam. Eight other individuals had also fallen prey to the same scheme, collectively losing nearly $1.1 million in total.

After the scam, she tracked down the scammer responsible for her loss and threatened to expose him. 

The scammer, realizing the seriousness of the situation, proposed a plan to help her recover some of her money. 

However, Jo refused, desiring justice not only for herself but also for other Australians who had been scammed.