Woman builds 7ft ‘doomsday’ bunker under home but faces one major issue

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A woman built a 7ft doomsday bunker under her home, fully stocked, but people noticed an unexpected problem with it.

In today’s world, many people are taking steps to prepare for emergencies.

One woman, Stephanie Norman, has gone above and beyond by creating a 7-foot doomsday bunker beneath her home in Oklahoma.

This underground shelter is designed to keep her family safe during tornadoes and other disasters.

woman builds 7ft doomsday bunker under home filled with supplies but draw 12575
Stephanie Norman’s 7ft bunker offers shelter during tornado emergencies. Image Credit: TikTok/@stephkaynorman

Preparing for tornado season

Living in an area known as “Tornado Valley,” Stephanie is aware of the dangers that come with severe weather.

Each year, she makes sure that her bunker is fully stocked with essential supplies.

According to her, the shelter can hold up to eight people, although the height makes it difficult to stand comfortably inside.

At 5 feet 3 inches tall, Stephanie herself cannot stand upright in the bunker.

“I’m 5ft 3ins and I cannot even stand up in here,” she shared in a viral video on TikTok.

woman builds 7ft doomsday bunker under home filled with supplies but draw 12579
Living in Tornado Valley, Stephanie stocks her bunker yearly. Image Credit: TikTok/@stephkaynorman

The shelter cost Stephanie $25,000 to build in 2018. It features a sliding door and has steps leading down into the space.

She has designed it to be functional and secure. In case of a tornado, she can lock the door to prevent it from blowing open.

Stephanie added: “There is a lock on the door so if there was a tornado we could lock it just to be sure that the door wouldn’t blow open.”

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She also shared: “There are two long benches that can go on both sides, but we only use one side just to save more space.

The times that we have been in here, me and the kids sat on the floor so we don’t even really use the benches.”

woman builds 7ft doomsday bunker under home filled with supplies but draw 12578
Supplies in the bunker include food, water, and essentials. Image Credit: TikTok/@stephkaynorman

7ft ‘doomsday’ bunker under home filled with supplies

Inside the bunker, Stephanie keeps a variety of supplies. These items include food, water, and other necessities.

She has packed baby wipes, snacks, toilet paper, and a blanket. There is also a bucket that serves as a toilet.

Stephanie explained that on days when severe weather is expected, she adds extra items like clothing, chargers, toys for her kids, and important documents.

The bunker is equipped with battery-powered lights to provide illumination.

Stephanie has thought through many details to ensure her family can survive comfortably during an emergency.

woman builds 7ft doomsday bunker under home filled with supplies but draw 12576
Image Credit: TikTok/@stephkaynorman

Concerns from the public

While many people admire Stephanie’s preparedness, others have raised questions about the safety of her bunker.

Some critics worry about what would happen if her house collapsed on top of the shelter during a storm.

Comments on social media have included concerns about ventilation and how the family would escape if they became trapped.

If your house collapses onto your shelter, is there ventilation, power, or a potty? One user said.

A storm shelter inside the house seems like a bad idea. I thought it was always outside so you could get out in case the house collapsed, the second user wrote.

The storm shelter looks so small for 2 adults & 4 kids and a dog. I’d panic the door would get stuck, the third user said.

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Wait why is ur shelter so small? Another user said.

Would it be a good idea to have the ‘lid/roof’ of the tornado shelter painted a bright color to help locate it in case it’s got debris over it? Someone asked.

woman builds 7ft doomsday bunker under home filled with supplies but draw 12577
Critics question the bunker’s safety if the house collapses. Image Credit: TikTok/@stephkaynorman

Stephanie offers reassurances about her emergency bunker plans.

In response to these concerns, Stephanie explained that the bunker has a cable hoist.

This feature allows the door to open even if they are trapped inside.

She reassured her followers that storm shelters are often registered with local officials.

This means that if there is a direct hit, rescue teams will know where to look for people in the bunker.

Stephanie understands that tornadoes can be unpredictable, but she believes in the importance of being prepared.

She stated, “There is a very slim chance that there would actually be a tornado, but we like to be prepared.”

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