Doctor explains why you should never clean your ears with cotton swabs

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A doctor warns against using cotton buds to clean ears, explaining the potential dangers and risks of ear damage.

Cleaning your ears is something many people do regularly, often using cotton buds.

However, a doctor has issued a strong warning about this common practice.

He explains why using cotton buds can be harmful and suggests safer ways to keep your ears clean.

Cotton buds seem convenient for cleaning.

Cotton buds, also known as cotton swabs, are often seen as a handy tool for personal care.

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Doctor warns against using cotton buds for ear cleaning. Image Credit: Getty

Many people use them to clean out earwax, thinking they are helping their ears.

The soft tip of the cotton bud feels good, and it can seem satisfying to see the wax on the tip after using it.

However, health experts warn that this practice can actually do more harm than good.

The risk of using cotton buds

Dr. Amir Khan, a general practitioner, shared his concerns about using cotton buds in the ears.

“One thing I never advise is the use of cotton bud sticks to clean the ears,” he said.

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Cotton buds can push wax deeper, causing blockages and discomfort. Image Credit: Getty

He stated that while it might feel nice to clean your ears this way, it pushes the wax deeper into the ear canal.

Instead of removing earwax, you may be blocking it, which can lead to more serious problems.

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One major risk is that pushing wax deeper can cause a blockage.

When earwax builds up, it can lead to hearing loss and discomfort.

In some cases, it can even cause pain or infections.

Dr. Khan also mentioned the danger of accidentally damaging the eardrum while using cotton buds.

This could result in painful injuries that may require medical attention.

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Pushing wax too deep can damage the eardrum and cause pain. Image Credit: Getty

“It may feel good to stick a cotton bud inside of your ear and it may come out with a little bit of wax on which makes you feel like you’ve cleaned it, but all you’ve done is push that wax further down your ear.

“Which risks the wax completely blocking the ear, or worse, damaging the drum.”

They contribute significantly to pollution.

In addition to health risks, Dr. Khan indicated environmental issues related to cotton buds.

These products are often made of plastic, which contributes to pollution.

Many cotton buds end up in oceans and waterways, causing harm to marine life.

By avoiding the use of cotton buds, you can help reduce plastic waste.

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They contribute to pollution, harming marine life and the environment. Image Credit: Getty

“Cotton bud sticks are not for your ears and they’re terrible for the environment,” he added in the caption.

“I know it might feel satisfying but you could be doing more harm than good!”

Safer alternatives for ear cleaning

Dr. Khan recommends a few safer methods for managing earwax.

One effective way is to use natural oils.

The NHS suggests putting two to three drops of olive or almond oil into your ear.

After applying the oil, lie on your side with the affected ear facing up for about five to ten minutes.

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This can help soften the earwax, allowing it to work its way out naturally.

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Image Credit: Getty

If you have a lot of earwax buildup or experience discomfort, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional.

A doctor or pharmacist can provide advice and treatments to help with earwax problems.

They can also safely remove excessive wax if needed.

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