
Doctors conclude tests showed ‘Alien corpses’ found to have ‘no relation to human beings’

Wednesday, 20/09/2023, 23:56 (GMT+7)

The findings from the tests led doctors to the conclusion that the 'alien' body discovered has ‘no relation to human beings'.

Doctors in Mexico have suggested that the alleged body with three-fingered hands, revealed by the Mexican government, has 'no relation to human beings.'

 Doctors conclude tests showed ‘Alien corpses’ found to have ‘no relation to human beings’ 1
Image Credits: Youtube

On Tuesday, September 9th, a journalist and ufologist presented the two specimens to Congress last week.

Speaking under oath at the San Lazaro Legislative Congress, Mr. Maussan stated that these specimens are unrelated to our terrestrial evolution. They were not discovered following a UFO crash but were, in fact, unearthed in diatom (algae) mines and later fossilized.

He emphasized that this marked the first instance of extraterrestrial life being presented in such a manner, highlighting that these are non-human specimens not related to any other species in our world.

 Doctors conclude tests showed ‘Alien corpses’ found to have ‘no relation to human beings’ 2
Image Credits: Youtube

Furthermore, he stressed the importance of transparency, stating, 'The public has a right to know about non-human technology and non-human entities.'

'We are talking about a topic that unites humanity, not separates us. We are not alone in this vast universe; we should embrace this reality.'

Mr. Maussan mentioned that the specimens were approximately 1,000 years old and claimed that the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM) had conducted analyses to determine their age by extracting DNA and using radiocarbon dating.

 Doctors conclude tests showed ‘Alien corpses’ found to have ‘no relation to human beings’ 3
Image Credits: Youtube

These two mummified corpses, displayed from Cusco, Peru, were showcased in transparent display cases. Understandably, Mr. Maussan's claims were met with skepticism, leading experts at the Noor Clinic to conduct tests on the remains.

Doctor José Zalce Benitez, the director of the Health Sciences Research Institute in the secretary of the Mexican Navy’s office, said that an 'alien' body with three-fingered hands, revealed by the Mexican government, belongs to single skeletons and has not been assembled.

 Doctors conclude tests showed ‘Alien corpses’ found to have ‘no relation to human beings’ 4
Image Credits: REUTERS

Benitez emphasized: 'I can affirm that these bodies have no relation to human beings.'

In a previous statement to Reuters, he stated, 'Based on the DNA tests, which were compared with more than one million species ... they are not related to what is known or described up to this moment by science or by human knowledge.'

As of now, it appears that independent testing on the remains has not been conducted.

Watching the video: 

The scientific community, including scientists, academics, and archaeologists, has largely maintained skepticism about the 'alien' body with three-fingered hands revealed by the Mexican government.

Physics professor Brian Cox, among others, expressed doubts, stating, 'It’s very unlikely that an intelligent species that evolved on another planet would look like us.'

Watching the video: