
Elon Musk detects Tesla employee leaking confidential information by a brilliant method

Saturday, 01/06/2024, 11:25 (GMT+7)

Elon Musk found the person and made them pay for what they did.

The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, recently employed a brilliant method to identify a Tesla employee who was leaking confidential information. 

Musk devised a crafty plan to catch the culprit and ensure they faced the appropriate consequences.

In 2008, after Tesla had been around for five years, there was a leak of confidential information. Someone shared sensitive data without authorization.

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Elon Musk cleverly caught a Tesla employee leaking confidential information. Image Credit: Getty

On the X platform, where Elon Musk interacts with his followers and provides updates, a user was curious about how Tesla caught the employee responsible for the leak. 

Musk found the question interesting and decided to share the captivating story behind it.

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A user on the X platform asked Elon Musk how Tesla caught the leaker. Image Credit: Getty

In response, Musk revealed the genius method his team employed to uncover the identity of the leaker. 

They sent seemingly identical emails to all employees involved, but each email was subtly coded with either one or two spaces between sentences. 

The coding created a special pattern of zeros and ones that helped identify the leaker. 

Musk and his team carefully analyzed the leaked information and found the same pattern, which led them to the person who was responsible.

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Tesla sent coded emails to the employees involved, varying the spacing between sentences. Image Credit: X

The method employed by Musk falls under the category of a 'canary trap,' a technique where multiple versions of a sensitive document are created and distributed to different suspects. 

This approach facilitates the identification of the specific version that gets leaked, effectively pinpointing the source of the breach.

After discovering the identity of the leaker, Tesla took the necessary steps. The person responsible was immediately fired and no longer employed by the company.

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Tesla promptly terminated the leaker's employment after identifying their identity. Image Credit: Getty

Surprisingly, Musk decided not to take legal action against them. He explained that he was too busy with his various projects and didn't have the time to engage in a legal battle.

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, recently shared an interesting approach he uses during interviews to identify individuals who may not be truthful. 

Musk revealed a specific question that he consistently asks in every interview, which helps him catch out liars.

Unlike traditional interview methods that focus on academic achievements or work experience, Elon Musk takes a different approach. 

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Musk shared a question he asks in interviews to identify liars effectively. Image Credit: Getty

He believes that these aspects can be easily embellished or misrepresented. Instead, Musk aims to evaluate a candidate's problem-solving skills and integrity.

In a conversation with Auto Bild in 2014, Musk disclosed his preferred question that helps him gauge a candidate's problem-solving abilities. 

He simply asks, "What are some of the tougher problems you've dealt with and how did you deal with them?" 

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Musk values problem-solving skills and integrity over easily embellished achievements. Image Credit: Getty

This question allows Musk to delve into the interviewee's past experiences and assess their ability to overcome challenges effectively.

Musk emphasizes the importance of evidence of exceptional ability and genuine accomplishment. 

He seeks individuals who have faced difficult problems and triumphed over them. 

He also wants to ensure that candidates take full responsibility for their significant accomplishments, rather than attributing them solely to others.