
iPhone users explain the little orange dot at the top of your screen

Monday, 14/08/2023, 17:27 (GMT+7)

Have you ever wondered about the little orange dot at the top of your screen? iPhone users have been 'warned' about it.


TikTok user @mrjamienyland has caused concern among his followers by posting a video advising them to seek assistance if they happen to notice an orange dot on their iPhone.

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Image Credits: Getty

While the warning may come across as slightly dramatic, it's certainly worth investigating or verifying, especially if you're considering the possibility of acquiring the new iPhone 15.

Apple will naturally unveil all the updates to the iPhone during an impressive presentation next month.

Furthermore, a familiar feature expected to persist in the upcoming iOS version is the presence of the orange dot.

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Image Credit: @mrjamienyland/tiktok

iPhone users are sharing videos on the TikTok account @mrjamienyland. In his video, he wrote: “If you see this orange dot on your phone, you need to get help seriously fast,”

He then explained that if you see an orange dot like this at the top of your iPhone, it means someone is listening to you. The little orange dot on the screen's top is considered a warning sign by Apple.

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Image Credit: @mrjamienyland/tiktok

He warned that if an orange dot appears on the top of your phone screen, it indicates that someone might be using your microphone without your authorization. Therefore, he advised promptly powering off your phone and getting help. 

He explained: “It’s been all over the news, and in fact, the orange dot is a warning sign from Apple that someone is using your microphone without your permission.

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Image Credit: @mrjamienyland/tiktok

He continued: “If you have no apps open and this is still there, then someone is spying on your phone and listening to your conversations.

“So if you see this orange dot, turn your phone off immediately and go and get help.”

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Image Credit: @mrjamienyland/tiktok

Many users expressed surprise at his warning; however, another user also pointed out that the orange dot at the top of the screen doesn't necessarily imply someone is eavesdropping. It is thought that one of the phone's apps might be utilizing the microphone.


One person wrote: Honestly my Samsung phone always shows an orange dot sometimes accompanied by a microphone symbol whenever I activate voice commands. 

A second wrote: Sometimes I accidentally turn on the microphone myself while on the search function; just noticed that dot recently.

A third said: It means ur mic or camera is on mine goes green on Android when an app or something is using a mic or video 

Someone else added: It means hackers are stealing your information but they are polite enough to let you know when they are there so you can wave to them or dress elegant enough, don't want to be caught with your pants down.

The skeptics' assertions appear to be supported by Apple, as the company has a section on its website devoted to clarifying the reasons iPhone users might encounter an occasional orange dot on their screen.

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Image Credits: Getty

They explained: “An orange indicator means the microphone is being used by an app on your iPhone.”

The appearance of a small green dot in the upper-right corner of your screen may have caught your attention as well.

Apple explained:  ‘means either the camera or the camera and the microphone are being used by an app on your iPhone’.