
J.K. Rowling reveals colleagues privately emailed to check they remain friends amid an ongoing feud with Harry Potter stars

Friday, 31/05/2024, 19:01 (GMT+7)

K. Rowling addresses colleagues who publicly trashed her transgender views amid ongoing feud with Harry Potter stars.

In a part of the new book, J.K. Rowling is again in ongoing conflict with some of the stars of Harry Potter.

Previously, J.K. Rowling sparked controversy with her transgender views.

J.K. Rowling reveals colleagues privately emailed to check they remain friends amid an ongoing feud with Harry Potter stars 1
Rowling's ongoing conflict with Harry Potter stars is detailed in her new book. Image credit: Getty

The debate began in 2020 when Rowling shared a link to an article titled 'Opinion: Creating a More Equal Post-COVID-19 World for People Who Menstruate' and suggested alternative words like "Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?"

Rowling sparked debate by accusing critics of transphobia for mocking language intended to be inclusive of the transgender community  

After the incident, two stars of Harry Potter, Radcliffe and Watson, publicly voiced their support for transgender individuals, also against Rowling's views.

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Controversy erupted in 2020 when Rowling shared views on transgender issues. Image Credits: Getty

The ongoing disagreement led Rowling to declare that she would never forgive the Harry Potter stars for their opinions.

In an excerpt from the book 'The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht,' Rowling once again takes aim at colleagues who have publicly criticized her transgender views 

In her new book, "The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht,"  published by The Times of London newspaper, Rowling criticizes colleagues who publicly condemned her views on gender ideology. 

Surprisingly, some of these same colleagues privately reached out to her to maintain their friendship.

Author J.K. Rowling also criticizes her colleagues after they object to her opinions.

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In her book, Rowling criticizes colleagues who condemned her gender ideology views. Image Credits: Getty

Rowling criticizes former colleagues for publicly condemning her views on gender ideology while privately seeking reconciliation. She described their actions as truly despicable and denounced their condemnation, emphasizing the depth of her convictions. 

She wrote: “In truth, the condemnation of certain individuals was far less surprising to me than the fact that some of them then emailed me, or sent messages through third parties, to check that we were still friends.”

"The thing is, those appalled by my position often fail to grasp how truly despicable I find theirs," 

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Some of Rowling's colleagues privately reached out to her despite public condemnation. Image credit: Getty

Addoinally. She noted that many individuals she had previously worked with were quick to distance themselves from her controversial comments or publicly condemn her views. However, she also acknowledged that many of her former and current colleagues have been staunchly supportive.

She added: “Those appalled by my position often fail to grasp how truly despicable I find theirs. I’ve watched ‘no debate’ become the slogan of those who once posed as defenders of free speech. I’ve witnessed supposedly progressive men arguing that women don’t exist as an observable biological class and don’t deserve biology-based rights.”

"I’ve listened as certain female celebrities insist that there isn’t the slightest risk to women and girls in allowing any man who self-identifies as a woman to enter single-sex spaces reserved for women, including changing rooms, bathrooms, or rape shelters."

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Radcliffe and Watson publicly opposed Rowling's views on transgender rights. Image credit: Getty

"Better that a hundred women who aren’t up to speed with the latest gender jargon miss public health information than that one trans-identified individual feels invalidated, seems to be the view," Rowling concluded.

Although the author did not name names, many fans believed that she was targeting Harry Potter stars Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe over transgender identity and rights.

After Rowling faced criticism for her comments about the transgender community, both Radcliffe and Watson have previously expressed unwavering support for transgender individuals.

The couple publicly criticized Rowling's opinions, prompting her to vow that she wouldn't forgive Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe.

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Rowling vowed never to forgive the Harry Potter stars for their stance. Image Credits: Getty

While the feud with the Harry Potter stars continues, Daniel Radcliffe responded to his involvement in the upcoming Harry Potter TV series.

In a recent interview, Radcliffe addressed the possibility of appearing in the reboot of the Harry Potter TV series.

Radcliffe expressed his excitement for the new Harry Potter series but clarified that his physical presence isn't essential.

He said:  "But I do wish them, obviously, all the luck in the world and I'm very excited to have that torch passed," he added.

"But I don't think it needs me to physically pass it."

Furthermore, Radcliffe also responded to being called 'ungrateful' by Rowling

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Radcliffe responded to being called 'ungrateful' by Rowling, expressing his perspective. Image credit: Getty

He said: "There’s a version of ‘Are these three kids ungrateful brats?’ that people have always wanted to write, and they were finally able to. So, good for them, I guess." 

Additionally, Radcliffe expressed sadness about the situation, expressing his deep empathy for Rowling and the world she created.

However, he firmly stated that his gratitude towards Rowling does not mean he owes her his beliefs for his entire life. He concluded by saying that while Rowling is responsible for his fame, that doesn’t mean he should automatically agree with her stances on things.
