
Just one bite of this meal can give you liver tumor

Sunday, 24/03/2024, 17:50 (GMT+7)

Although it is a popular dish in poor rural Thailand, it can give you liver cancer after just one bite.

A Thai doctor faced a heartbreaking tragedy when his parents fell victim to a popular local dish. This seemingly harmless meal, called koi pla, carries a hidden risk that can result in liver cancer.

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Thai doctor's parents died from koi pla, a dish linked to liver cancer. Image Credit: getty

Koi pla dish can give you liver cancer

In a sad and determined story, a doctor from Thailand is bravely battling against a popular dish that tragically caused the death of his parents. 

This dish, called koi pla, is widely consumed, especially in the poor Isaan region. 

Unfortunately, this seemingly harmless food carries a dangerous outcome: it can lead to deadly liver cancer. 

Even a small taste of this meal can result in devastating consequences.

What is Koi pla?

Koi pla is a simple and budget-friendly dish made by combining minced raw fish with herbs, spices, and lemon juice. 

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Koi pla is a popular dish with raw fish that hides the danger of liver flukes. Image Credit: Getty

People love koi pla because it's cheap and has a special taste. But what they don't know is that this dish hides a dangerous secret which is liver flukes. 

These tiny creatures live in the raw fish used for koi pla and can cause liver cancer in those who eat them. The parasites quietly harm the liver, leading to serious illness. 

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Raw fish for koi pla harbors liver flukes, causing cancer and serious illness. Image Credit: getty

What are liver flukes?

Liver flukes, which are scientifically called Opisthorchis viverrini, are tiny worms that invade the human liver. 

When someone eats undercooked or raw fish, these worms enter the bile ducts in the liver and cause ongoing inflammation and harm.

This inflammation can gradually lead to the growth of cancerous lumps in the liver. 

What makes liver fluke infection especially dangerous is that it often doesn't show any symptoms as it progresses. 

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Liver flukes (Opisthorchis viverrini) invade the liver when raw fish is consumed, causing inflammation and harm. Image Credit: Getty

This means that people may not realize they have the disease until it has already reached an advanced stage. 

It's a sneaky and hidden threat that can have devastating consequences for those affected.

These worms are very common, and because the dish is so popular, the incidence of liver cancer in Isaan province is unusually high. 

The doctor determines to raise awareness about the dangers of eating koi pla. 

Shockingly, it is estimated that over 50 percent of cancers in men in this region are caused by this disease, compared to just 10 percent worldwide.

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Late detection of liver fluke disease leads to devastating consequences in Isaan's high liver cancer cases. Image Credit: Getty

After losing both of his parents to bile duct cancer, also known as cholangiocarcinoma, Narong Khuntikeo became a liver surgeon.

Now, he is determined to raise awareness about the dangers of eating koi pla. 

He has gathered a team of doctors, scientists, and researchers to travel around Isaan, bringing ultrasound machines and urine tests to screen villagers for the disease.

The danger of consuming koi pla is largely unknown to many because the deaths resulting from it often occur quietly at home and primarily affect older individuals. 

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Koi pla's danger is underestimated as deaths occur quietly at home, primarily among older individuals. Image Credit: getty

This is why Narong is determined to reach out to as many local residents as possible.

Persuading people to take the tests has been difficult. Despite the risks, koi pla is cherished as a regional delicacy, deeply rooted in tradition. 

The older generation, in particular, resists change and fears that cooking the fish, the best method to eliminate parasites will affect its flavor.