Man faces backlash for asking Tinder date to share half of the bill on first date

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A man faced backlash after insisting the woman pay half of their bill on a first date, leading to widespread online criticism.

The question of who should pay on a first date has always sparked debate.

Recently, a man faced backlash after insisting that his date pay half of the bill.

This incident has opened up discussions about dating norms and expectations.

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Man faces backlash after asking his date to split the bill. Image Credit: TikTok/@thewaterboy

Man asked Tinder date to share half of bill on the first date

The man shared a video on TikTok showing his date’s reaction when he asked her to split the bill.

In the clip, she looked frustrated and slammed the billbook onto her credit card.

She questioned why he expected her to pay for half of the meal, arguing that he had invited her out.

The man defended his stance by stating that she ordered food he did not want.

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The man and his date discuss splitting the bill. Image Credit: Getty

He felt it was fair for them to share the bill since they both ordered separately.

However, his date believed that since he asked her out, he should cover the entire cost.

“I can’t believe you made us split the bill… you asked me out… you asked me out,” she said.

People have varying opinions on who should pay.

This situation highlights the differing views on dating etiquette.

Some people believe that the person who invites someone on a date should pay.

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Others think splitting the bill is a fair approach, especially in modern dating.

This disagreement reflects broader changes in gender roles and expectations.

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Date expresses frustration over splitting the bill on TikTok. Image Credit: TikTok/@thewaterboy

I’m with her. You asked for the date… you pay! One user said.

Common bruh, at least pay for the first date….especially if you asked, are courting her and looking to date her, the second user said.

That’s not a date. That’s two friends going out to eat, the third user commented.

If you plan to split the bill say that before picking her up, another user said.

she dodged a huge bullet lol good for her, someone said.

The man responded to criticism

In response to the criticism, the man posted another video.

He expressed confusion about why people were upset with his decision.

He stated that both parties were equally willing to be on the date.

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Image Credit: TikTok/@thewaterboy

The man argued that it is not like the past when women were seen as prizes.

He further mentioned that it is rare to find women who want to fulfill traditional roles, such as cooking and taking care of children.

This comment struck a nerve and contributed to the backlash he received.

Many felt that he was dismissing important aspects of dating and relationships.

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Man defends his stance on splitting the bill in video. Image Credit: TikTok/@thewaterboy

He captioned the video: “I don’t even know her and she didn’t want to split the bill? “After SHE ordered an appetiser that I didn’t want!

“THIS is what it’s like dating in MIAMI smh (shaking my head).

“I gotta move somewhere else, these girls are ENTITLED.”

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