
Man reveals strange reason for getting a new camera-less iPhone

Wednesday, 26/06/2024, 14:21 (GMT+7)

An image of a camera-less iPhone has left people baffled with the reason behind it.

A curious image of an iPhone without a rear camera has recently gone viral on the Reddit platform.

According to the report, a Reddit user claimed that their friend, who works at a nuclear power plant, was issued this unique device.

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A Reddit user claimed their friend, who works at a nuclear plant, was issued an iPhone without a rear camera. Image Credit: Reddit

The reasoning behind this modification is quite interesting.

It seems that in 2020, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that smart devices "may potentially introduce new hazards, vulnerabilities, and failure modes "if not properly selected for use in nuclear facilities.

However, these devices could also be leveraged to 'increase nuclear power plant safety and reliability.'

In the case of this "cameraless iPhone", it appears the camera module has been intentionally removed to address security concerns. 

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he International Atomic Energy Agency warned of potential hazards from smart devices in nuclear facilities but noted their safety benefits. Image Credit:Getty

By removing the camera modules, the third-party manufacturers are able to offer a version of the iPhone that meets the security requirements of certain government agencies, particularly those operating in nuclear-related settings. 

This suggests a demand for customized smartphones that can be tailored to specific security needs.

People believe that Apple doesn't make custom iPhones but third parties do.

This sentiment was echoed by another user, who stated that "our people at our plants all carry their regular cell phones", but suggested, "it might be different at government nuclear facilities".

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Third-party firms modify iPhones to remove cameras, meeting security needs of nuclear agencies. Image Credit: Reddit.

The viral image has sparked a lively discussion on the platform, with users debating the authenticity and feasibility of such a modified iPhone.

Some expressed skepticism, claiming "Apple doesn't make custom iPhones" and that the device was likely created by a third party.

One Reddit user even claimed to have found a similar cameraless iPhone in a shop, but noted that Apple currently does not offer iPhones without cameras. 

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A user found a cameraless iPhone, but Apple doesn't sell models without cameras. Image Credit: Reddit.

This hasn't stopped inquiries, however, as another user shared a post from an Apple forum where someone sought to purchase an iPhone specifically without a camera for their husband's job.

According to the report, a response from an Apple forum clarified that every current iPhone model has both front-facing and rear cameras. There is no option to purchase an iPhone without any camera components. 

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The Apple forum response confirmed that all current iPhone models include both front and rear cameras. Image Credit: Getty.

The forum response suggested that while users cannot buy an iPhone without a camera, they could potentially disable the Camera app through the Restrictions settings. 

This would allow disabling features like the Camera, FaceTime, and even Safari, for example, if the phone was intended for a child.

The viral image has captured the public's attention and sparked discussions on social media.

For everyone wanting phone functionality, without a camera, just get an Apple Watch. All the bits, but no camera, one user suggested.

Probably works for the government in a secure area or role. I work for the government so I get it, the second user commented.

I've also seen some commercials that use an iPhone without cameras, the third user said.

Technically, I can't have a phone at work. Per federal law it has to be powered off and stowed in our bag. Huge fine, which is over $25k at this point, plus losing your job, another wrote.

On a nuclear power plant it’s not only cameras that are banned, someone wrote.