
New AI tool 'Live Forever Mode' resurrects departed loved ones

Monday, 08/04/2024, 20:11 (GMT+7)

New AI Tool 'live forever mode' bridges the gap between deceased loved ones and the present life.

In a world increasingly shaped by artificial intelligence (AI), the boundaries of what's possible continue to expand.

From predicting the ideal job candidate to defining the perfect partner, AI's capabilities are seemingly limitless.

Artur Sychov invented an AI tool to provide solace for himself as he faced his father's passing away.

Artur Sychov, a technology entrepreneur, grappled with the idea of AI becoming deeply personal when his father faced a terminal cancer diagnosis.

Faced with the prospect of losing his father, Artur sought to preserve his relationship with his deceased father.

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Technology entrepreneur Artur Sychov's personal experience with loss drives him to create 'Live Forever', a virtual reality tool. Image Credits: TEDx Talks

Additionally, this tool also helps others who are coping with the loss of their loved ones. Artur aims to preserve their relationships beyond the inevitable.

Artur embarked on a mission to harness AI based on his own experiences and the desire to offer solace to others in similar situations. 

Artur created the AI tool 'Live Forever Mode' to bring deceased loved ones 'back to life.'

Artur then invented 'Live Forever'—a virtual reality tool designed to immortalize loved ones in the digital realm.

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The introduction of the AI tool 'Live Forever Mode' raises concerns about exploiting people's existential fears for profit. Image Credits: Metaverse Summit

At the core of 'Live Forever' lies the ability to create digital avatars that faithfully replicate a person's voice, mannerisms, and gestures.

Remarkably, this level of authenticity can be achieved with just 30 minutes of observation by the tool.

The AI tool allows future generations to engage with departed loved ones

The vision behind 'Live Forever' is ambitious yet poignant—to allow future generations to engage with departed loved ones as if they were still present.

It's a concept reminiscent of the thought-provoking 'Be Right Back' episode from the series Black Mirror, where AI technology blurs the line between life and death.

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Despite the potential of AI to offer innovative solutions, its rise prompts ethical considerations. Image Credits: Getty

He told Sky News: "You can get to know the person. You can hear their voice... You get to talk to them about different topics, and you get to inject a little bit of their personality.

"And with time, you'd actually be more and more precise. It would be more like them."

However, the AI tool 'Live Forever' brings concern and fear for people. 

While Artur envisions 'Live Forever' as a tool for connection and remembrance, concerns have been raised about its implications.

Elaine Kasket, a cyber psychologist and author, highlights the ethical dilemmas inherent in exploiting existential fears for commercial gain.

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'Live Forever' aims to create digital avatars of deceased loved ones for future generations to interact with. Image Credits: Metaverse Summit

As per Sky News, she said: "It's really pushing on that fundamental anxiety that we have about the end of our being.

"Some people have a lot of anxiety around that... I guess I have a few concerns about playing on those really existential fears as a means of selling your products."

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However, concerns are raised about the ethical implications of commercializing existential fears for product sales. Image Credits: Getty

Despite these reservations, 'Live Forever' continues its journey through the testing phase, spearheaded by Artur's company, Somnium Space.

This innovative platform offers users a glimpse into the future of digital existence, blurring the boundaries between reality and virtuality.