
Optical illusion could reveal lot about your personality

Tuesday, 06/02/2024, 22:45 (GMT+7)

What's the first thing you see in this picture?

This optical illusion, featuring an autumnal picture shared by Mia Yilin on TikTok, offers two interpretations: it can be seen as either a bird or a pile of leaves. 

Optical illusion could reveal lot about your personality 1
Optical illusion could reveal whether you're in self-doubt or soon difficult period. Image: @Mia Yilin/Tik Tok

In the footage, the content creator, Mia Yilin explained that the image you perceive first may hold insights into your personality. 

In the footage, she explained: 

Optical illusion could reveal lot about your personality 2
Optical illusion can be interpreted two ways - as a bird, or as a group of leaves. Image: @Mia Yilin/Tik Tok

What's the first thing you see in this picture?

If you first saw the leaves, then you are someone who spent a lot of time in hesitation and self-doubt.

Because you're so scared of making the wrong move, you constantly procrastinate making important decisions. 

In reality, there is no right path, and as long as you work to continuously improve yourself, everything will fall into place.

If you first saw the bird, then you will soon be moving on from this difficult period in your life and will receive many surprises and good news.

That you have been waiting for, you're brave enough to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new things.

Your intelligence perseverance and dedication have laid the path for your very bright future. 

Optical illusion could reveal lot about your personality 3
Optical illusion can reveal your personality based on the first thing you see in this picture. Image: @Mia Yilin/Tik Tok

One person said: I saw a group of leaves that looked like a bird.

A second wrote: the really sad thing is, I don't see a bird at all.

A third commented: You said bird twice and I saw the bird but doesn't everyone see the leaves too and every time I see the thing That personality is correct about me.

Someone else said: I hereby claim all good things from seeing the bird.

Another said: I saw the bird first and I am in a really difficult situation. Hopefully things can turn for the better.

Wow just by using my imagination seeing a bird just describes my whole personality I’m a maze. Another added.