
UFO spotted flying across clouds over Texas sky during total solar eclipse

Wednesday, 10/04/2024, 11:45 (GMT+7)

People are now posing their theories surrounding a UFO spotted flying across clouds over the Texas sky during the recent total solar eclipse event.

During a recent total solar eclipse in Texas, a captivating event happened in the skies of Arlington.

As the moon passed in front of the Sun, a mysterious object was spotted shooting through the clouds at a fast pace, leaving witnesses in awe and divided in their debates.

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During a total solar eclipse in Texas, a mystifying object darted through the clouds, captivating and dividing witnesses. Image Credit: X/@MattWallace888

UFO spotted flying across clouds over Texas sky during total solar eclipse 

The UFO event, which occurred in Arlington, Texas, captured the attention of viewers who were hoping to witness the total solar eclipse.

Texas, being in the path of totality for the eclipse, attracted many visitors who eagerly waited for the event.

The eclipse lasted around three minutes and 51 seconds, providing a spectacular sight for all those who were present.

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The eclipse lasted approximately 3 minutes and 51 seconds, offering a breathtaking spectacle to observers. Image Credit: X/@MattWallace888

Among these visitors, many took the opportunity to capture pictures and videos of the celestial phenomenon.

Interestingly, one individual managed to capture something in their footage that sparked speculation of an otherworldly presence.

In a viral video, as the moon moved in front of the Sun, darkening the sky, a mysterious shadow of a long and narrow object was darting through the clouds at a fast pace.

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During the eclipse, a fast-moving, mysterious shadow of a long object appeared in the clouds. Image Credit: X/@MattWallace888

The witnesses who observed the peculiar object shouted surprisingly in that video, saying, "What the f*ck was that?", "Look, something is flying in the air," "What was that?."

People have been divided over debates regarding UFO observation during the recent total solar eclipse.

The video quickly caused a stir on social media with countless theories regarding this mysteriously flying object which is considered a UFO.

While some individuals immediately stated this was a UFO of extraterrestrials, even some believed that was a dragon, others proposed a more plausible explanation.

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The viral video sparked a social media frenzy with various theories about the unidentified flying object (UFO). Image Credit: X/@MattWallace888

In several discussions, other users suggested the object could have been the shadow cast by a high-altitude plane. 

Prob shooting rockets at the moon, I guess, one user said.

I live by the airport and see that shadow daily it's just the shadow from a plane. Geeze, people eat up everything they see online these days, the second user confirmed.

That’s a F-117 stealth fighter, another commented.

We use to call them planes. If you have the exact time and location we can check on flight tracking apps what plane flew there, someone wrote.

Has anyone believed that was a dragon? Another asked.

Honestly if you think that’s a alien spaceship then you’re just fkin gullible, a man said.

A UFO, for sure, another man affirmed.

This is not the first time a mysterious flying object has been captured in footage or a photo.

Not long ago, the latest update about the 'world's clearest UFO photo' garnered worldwide after an expert stated he may solve the secret of it.

The world's clearest UFO photo is known as the "Calvine Photograph." 

The picture was taken in Scotland in 1990 and shows a diamond-shaped object in the sky, which fascinated UFO enthusiasts. 

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The "Calvine Photograph" is a famous UFO image that was taken in Scotland in 1990, which is considered the 'world's clearest UFO photo.' Image Credit: Cynon Valley Leader

Unlike most blurry UFO images, this one is very clear and detailed.

Scotland's Daily Record newspaper received the original negatives of the Calvine Photograph and subsequently transferred them to the Ministry of Defence.

Some people suggested that the photo captured a UFO sighting involving the military because there was also a fighter jet right after it.

Simon Holland, an investigator who used to work for BBC Horizon, has a different idea about the Calvine Photograph. 

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Holland proposes the photo shows a secret military aircraft, not an extraterrestrial spaceship. Image Credit: Cynon Valley Leader

He supposes that the picture actually shows a secret military airplane being tested, not a spaceship from outer space as many thought.

Holland believes that the diamond-shaped object in the photo is part of a defense system created by British Aerospace. 

This system is designed to avoid being noticed by radar, making it difficult for radar technology to detect or identify it.

The Harrier jet that is seen in the photo was probably there to protect the experimental aircraft which was considered a UFO.

The expert is also confident that the photo is real.