
Waitress reveals make more than $600 on tips in one day and Internet didvided

Thursday, 16/05/2024, 16:39 (GMT+7)

On social media, a pizzeria waitress left viewers stunned after making more than $600 on tips in just on days, and gaining attention. 

A waitress amazes TikTok users with $600 yip earnings in a single day, sparking discussion about tip culture

When dining out, tipping is a common gesture of appreciation for service, yet opinions on its necessity vary.

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Image Credits: Getty

While some argue that servers should be adequately compensated through their wages, others see tipping as an opportunity to reward exceptional service.

However, depending on the generosity of patrons, tips can significantly supplement a server's income.

On social media, a waitress left viewers astonished by revealing she earned a $600 tip in just one day.

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A pizzeria waitress stunned TikTok users by earning over $600 in tips during a single shift. Image Credit: TikTok/@haven.tunin

In a viral TikTok video, waitress Haven Tunin shared her incredible tip earnings from a single day's work at a pizzeria.

In the footage, she disclosed earning over $600 in tips after completing a 12-hour shift.

Haven's 'server checkout' revealed she had made over $2,000 in sales, with the unexpected tip amount eliciting her exclamation, "Oh my god, I don’t think I’ve ever claimed this much."

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Haven Tunin, after a 12-hour shift, shared her 'server checkout' revealing she had earned over $600 in tips. Image Credit: TikTok/@haven.tunin

Proud of her day's work, Haven celebrated her earnings with gratitude towards the generous patrons. "Today was insane and people were so generous and nice. It was amazing," she expressed.

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Tunin amazes TikTok users with $600 yip earnings just one day, sparking discussion about tip culture. Image Credit: TikTok/@haven.tunin

Counting her substantial earnings, Haven revealed she made $674 during her shift, remarking on the generosity of patrons.

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Tunin expressed disbelief at her earnings, exclaiming, "Oh my f**king god, I don’t think I’ve ever claimed this much." Image Credit: TikTok/@haven.tunin

Ending the video, Haven thanked her followers, assuring them that her earnings varied based on the day's business.

The video quickly went viral, sparking discussions among viewers.

In the comment selection, many praised Haven's exceptional service, and some deemed her a phenomenal server.

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Tunin attributed her success to the generosity of customers, describing the day as "insane" and "amazing." Image Credit: TikTok/@haven.tunin

The comments section echoed with admiration for Haven's dedication and skill, underscoring the impact of exceptional service on patrons.

One person said: Good for her, hope she manages her finances well because you’re not always going to pull in that much money.

A second wrote: She must be great at her job. Not all people receive anywhere near that

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Tunin's TikTok followers marveled at her earnings. Image Credit: TikTok/@haven.tunin

While a third commented: Good for her, must be a great waitress. Good example for the not so great servers we all encounter at restaurants.

Another said: Keep in mind that this isn't typical throughout the service industry. If you live in a highly populated area you make better money but in the lower populated areas 20 to 50 bucks a day might be considered amazing tips but the base pay is the same.

Someone else said: I averaged 60 per hour, when I was a waiter, and on holidays I could make 800...I worked in top notch restaurants