What would happen if a needle hit Earth at the speed of light?

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Have you ever wondered what might happen if a needle collided with Earth at the speed of light?

While it may sound far-fetched, YouTuber Ridddle created a simulation exploring this intriguing hypothetical scenario.

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A needle hitting Earth at light speed could cause destruction akin to the Nagasaki atomic bomb. Image Credits: Ridddle


Ridddle, known for videos that delve into bizarre yet fascinating questions, has amassed millions of subscribers by offering insights into both real-world phenomena and thought-provoking hypotheticals.

This particular video, titled “What If a Needle Hits the Earth at the Speed of Light?”, examines the potential outcomes of such an extraordinary event. Let’s break it down.

The unimaginable power of a needle traveling at light speed

A typical sewing needle, just 35 millimeters long, might seem harmless.

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Another possibility is the needle piercing Earth’s crust, releasing plasma, and causing global extinction. Image Credits: Ridddle


However, if it traveled at the speed of light, it would possess catastrophic energy.

Ridddle’s simulation suggests that the needle’s impact could rival the destruction caused by “Fat Man,” the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki in 1945.

The collision would obliterate the point of impact and devastate the surrounding area, causing widespread destruction.

But that’s not the worst-case scenario.

Could plasma engulf and destroy earth?

Another possibility posed in the video is even more apocalyptic.

Instead of exploding on impact, the needle might penetrate Earth’s crust.

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The needle might theoretically pass straight through Earth with minimal damage due to its speed and shape. Image Credits: Ridddle


This could create a hole that allows superheated plasma to seep into the planet, triggering unimaginable heat.

In this scenario, life on Earth would perish due to the extreme temperatures. Eventually, the planet itself could be torn apart and entirely eviscerated.

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A minimal impact: the best-case scenario

Not all outcomes spell doom. According to Ridddle, there’s a third possibility.

Due to its shape and velocity, the needle might pass cleanly through Earth—entering one side and exiting the other.

If this happened, the effects on the planet could be minimal, leaving Earth mostly unscathed.

A hypothetical but terrifying thought

It’s important to note that this scenario is purely hypothetical.

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The simulation, created by YouTuber Ridddle, explores hypothetical scenarios with varying catastrophic outcomes. Image Credits: Ridddle


For a needle to hit Earth at light speed, someone would need to propel it from space with incredible force—an event highly unlikely to occur.

Still, Ridddle’s video reminds us of the raw power inherent in even the smallest objects when moving at extraordinary speeds.

What can we learn from these scenarios?

This thought experiment showcases the immense energy tied to velocity and mass.

While a needle’s speed of light journey remains fiction, it sparks curiosity about the universe’s incredible forces and how they shape our reality.

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