What your personality reveals based on optical illusions

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Based on the first thing you see in this picture, the optical illusion reveals your personality depending on what you observe.

Personality tests can be fun ways to reflect on yourself.

A viral optical illusion, shared by TikToker Mia Yilin, has gained attention for revealing traits based on what you see first in an image.

Here’s how it works and what it reveals about your personality.

What happens if you see both?

The optical illusion involves a simple image that can be interpreted in different ways.

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A TikTok optical illusion personality test reveals traits based on whether you see a cloud or fish first. Image Credits: TikTok/ @mia_yilin


Mia’s viral video encourages followers to share what they first see: a cloud or a fish. Depending on your choice, the illusion supposedly reveals insights about your personality.

The Cloud: Brave yet sensitive

If you saw the cloud first, Mia explains that your outward persona might appear brave and resilient.

However, you’re actually quite sensitive inside, easily affected by others’ words and actions. You have high standards and goals, refusing to settle for less.

People are drawn to your charismatic and attractive personality, but you can be competitive and even threatening when necessary.

The Fish: Living life to the fullest

On the other hand, if you saw the fish first, it suggests that you live life with the mindset that time is precious. You dislike wasting time on things or people that don’t deserve it.

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Seeing a cloud suggests you’re brave yet sensitive, with high standards and an attractive personality. Image Credits: TikTok/ @mia_yilin


You are very hard on yourself, giving 100 percent in everything you do. However, this trait also makes you a constant worrier, stressing about the unknown.

See also  Mind-boggling optical illusion shows man’s head separated from his body

As an extraverted introvert, you prefer time alone but can be the life of the party when needed.

Reactions to the personality test

The test quickly gained popularity, with many commenters sharing their thoughts.

Some confirmed that the description matched their personalities. However, others joked about seeing different animals in the image. One commenter even wondered if they had a “street cat personality.”

One user wrote: A fish, and it’s all true.

A second wrote: fish…and definitely true…am an extroverted introvert.

While a third commented: What if you saw it and thought ‘’oh a fish made out of a cloud’’ Don’t know what I noticed first.

Another added: we all saw fish cloud or clouding fish i think

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Seeing a fish indicates you’re focused on time, hard on yourself, and an introverted extrovert. Image Credits: TikTok/ @mia_yilin


While the optical illusion personality test is lighthearted, it offers an interesting way to reflect on personal traits. Whether you saw the cloud or the fish, it’s a fun exercise to better understand yourself as you head into the new year.

What is the first thing you see in this picture?

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