
100-year-old woman reveals secrets to staying healthy while working six days a week

Sunday, 30/06/2024, 12:00 (GMT+7)

An elderly worker is still working 50 hours a week and has a healthy life despite being 100 years old.

A centenarian woman who continues to work six days a week has shared the six foods she relies on to maintain her youthful energy. 

Mariam Todd, who works 50 hours per week, revealed that there is one particular type of food she avoids.

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100-year-old woman shares tips for youthful energy while working six days a week. Image Credit: FOX 29

Instead of searching for the fountain of eternal youth or relying on some magical elixir, Mariam believes that her diet plays a crucial role in keeping her healthy and youthful.

Hailing from New Jersey, Mariam attributes her longevity to her eating habits and consistent routine. 

Despite her age, she remains active, driving, cooking, and working at her late parents' furniture store, which has been in operation since 1929. 

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Mariam credits her diet for her health and youthfulness, foregoing mythical remedies or magical potions. Image Credit: FOX 29

What is her secret to working long hours and feeling refreshed?

Mariam emphasizes that it's all about how she approaches her work. 

She refrains from considering it as mere work and instead enjoys what she does. She feels guilty calling it work because it brings her joy. 

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Mariam finds joy in her work and doesn't consider it as mere work. Image Credit: FOX 29

“I can’t say I’m working when I enjoy what I’m doing, so I feel guilty if I say I’m working. It’s not for everybody, but it works well for me," she admitted.

This mindset, she believes, contributes to her overall well-being.

She draws inspiration from her mother, who passed away at the age of 80 while working at her desk in the office. Mariam accepts that if it is God's will for her life, she is content to continue working.

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Mariam finds inspiration in her late mother, who worked until her passing at 80. Image Credit: FOX 29

In addition to her strong work ethic, Mariam attributes her vitality to her dietary choices. 

She grows much of her own food in her garden, regularly consuming tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, yellow squash, and courgettes. The only canned food she indulges in is sauerkraut. 

By avoiding overly processed fast foods and limiting her alcohol intake, she hasn't needed to visit a doctor in three years.

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Mariam grows her own vegetables and enjoys fresh produce like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, and sauerkraut. Image Credit: FOX 29

Mariam ensures that her plate is filled with a variety of colorful vegetables, preferring a "multi-colored" approach to her meals. 

For sweet foods, she opts for the healthier option of dark chocolate. She firmly believes in eating right, sleeping well, and living a balanced lifestyle.

Furthermore, Mariam recognizes the importance of financial responsibility. 

She advises younger generations to prioritize saving over spending and advises against accumulating credit card debt. In fact, she doesn't even own a credit card herself.

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Mariam advises saving, avoiding credit card debt, and doesn't own a credit card herself. Image Credit: FOX 29

“If I could get them to be thinking more about saving instead of spending with a credit card.

“I don’t like credit card debt… I don’t own a credit card,” she concluded.

With an average life expectancy of 76 years in the US and 80 years in the UK, Mariam surpasses these numbers thanks to her nutritious diet, zest for work, and love for life.