
Endless Search: Woman's dating journey with 1000 men to find the right husband

Thursday, 10/08/2023, 16:29 (GMT+7)

This woman has been looking for the perfect husband for 3 years, utilizing various dating apps, and has interacted with 1000 men, yet hasn't achieved the desired outcome.

Across the world, many people utilize dating apps to meet and connect with new individuals. Some one use dating apps and find life partners, but others have encountered a persistent sense of betrayal. In the UK, a woman is looking for "Mr Perfect" in the last 3 years.

She has involved engaging with over 1,000 men but not managed to encounter the right match. According to reports, this 41-year-old woman lives in Swansea, Wales and named Claire Dee, has maintained specific criteria in her search and has not found any men who align with all of them.

Endless Search: Woman's dating journey with 1000 men to find the right husband 1
41-year-old Claire Dee said she looking for ‘Mr Perfect’ for 3 years, has rejected 1000 people.

Claire embarked on a quest for her ideal partner. She explored various dating platforms, including Tinder and Facebook Dating, and connected with more than 1,000 men through these avenues. However, the central challenge she faced was the inability to discover a compatible life partner.

Claire, who also experienced a failed marriage in 2020, said that her ex-husband left during her pregnancy. She say she does not want to compromise with her life. That's why even matching profile with 1000 men on dating app, she is not dating anyone. 

Throughout her journey, Claire went on several dates with some men. Someone treated her like a princess on the first date. Conversely, others were impolite and did not meet her expectations.

Although she did engage in relationships with certain individuals, but their relationship didn’t last more than a couple of months.