
People stun after discoverring the impact of not closing the lid before flushing

Monday, 01/07/2024, 17:20 (GMT+7)

On social media, a viral video has surfaced revealing the disturbing impact of not closing the lid before flushing, leaving viewers stunned.

A TikTok user, @diyman_pro, posted a science experiment involving half a toilet to demonstrate the consequences of not closing the lid, gaining attention on social media.

The viral video shows the disturbing aftermath of flushing a toilet.

@diyman_pro's video on TikTok demonstrates how many germs escape from the toilet after flushing.

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A viral video reveals the impact of not closing the toilet lid before flushing. Image Credits: @diyman_pro/Tiktok

The video has the caption: "Laser Toilet Flush Test" 

In the footage, the researcher conducts two experiments demonstrating the disturbing effects of flushing a toilet

In the first experiment, the researcher places a green laser on the toilet seat and records the moment the toilet is flushed and the thousands of germs from the water breaking through the laser.

In a second experiment, he then pours a neon liquid directly into the toilet tank, waits for it to mix and then again presses the flusher, which shows just how far the 'poo particles' can reach by using a black light to uncover this.

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@diyman_pro's TikTok experiment gained attention, demonstrating toilet germ spread. Image Credits: @diyman_pro/Tiktok

The ultraviolet light showed that germs manage to escape from the toilet and onto almost everything around it - including toothbrushes!

The video quickly went viral and sparked debate on social media.

In the comments section, many expressed shock about the disgusting consequences of not closing the lid when flushing the toilet. Some admitted they had made the same mistake themselves. Others suggested closing the lid to prevent the spread of bacteria. 

One person said: Haiz, can not download for my kids 

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Experiments include using a green laser and neon liquid to show germ dispersion. Image Credits: @diyman_pro/Tiktok

A second wrote: close the lid, then flush 

While a third commented: This is why I flush while I'm still sitting down

Someone else said: our moms from the islands taught us to close the lid every time we flush.

Another added: please repeat the test with the lid down and a full toilet

Someone said: It's been like this for years. So what do you want us to do now? lol

And jet it is cleaner than mobile phone that you holding while watching this video. Another user added. 

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Viewers expressed shock and shared hygiene tips in the video's comments. Image Credits: @diyman_pro/Tiktok

This is not the first time an experiment about flushing toilets has left viewers stunned

Previously, John Crimaldi, who was a professor of engineering at the University of Colorado in 2022, conducted a similar experiment

In the footage, John Crimaldi prove the "surprisingly energetic and rapid growth of aerosol plumes from a commercial toilet and highlights the chaotic nature of the fluid kinematics that transport the particles.”

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Similar experiments by John Crimaldi highlighted aerosol plume dynamics. Image Creddits: Getty

This experiment also changed people's perceptions about the disturbing effects of flushing the toilet.

He told Business: "You go to the bathroom, you flush the handle, the stuff disappears, and you're like: 'boom, works great!'

"Then you look at the videos that we took and you're like: 'oh, maybe not so great!'

Adding: "I can sort of see in my mind's eye these aerosol clouds that are filling that whole room."

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Closing the lid can reduce airborne particles by up to 50%, per University College Cork. Image Creddits: Getty

But by flushing the toilet with the lid down, you can reduce airborne particles from flying out your toilet by as much as 50 percent, according to research undertaken by University College Cork.