
Seven horses optical illusion baffles viewers: how many do you see?

Sunday, 23/06/2024, 17:29 (GMT+7)

On social media, an optical illusion painting titled 'Pintos' by Bev Doolittle left viewers stunned after realizing there were numerous hidden horses in the picture.

A mesmerizing optical illusion featuring horses has captivated social media users, sparking heated debates reminiscent of the famous gold-and-white or blue-and-black dress controversy.

This time, the confusion revolves around a painting by Bev Doolittle titled 'Pintos,' which has left viewers baffled about the number of horses in the picture. 

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A horse optical illusion has sparked confusion on social media. Image Credits: @Havenlust/X

On X platform, a user shared an optical illusion showing seven horses that has people baffled.

This amazing picture, named Doolittle's 'Pintos,' is featured on the National Institute of Environmental Health Science's Kids Environment Kids Health website.

After being shared on Reddit, the painting has reignited interest and debate. 

Doolittle's painting 'Pintos' blends with the white lines on the horses.

Doolittle's 'Pintos,' a piece from the mid-to-late 1970s, showcases a group of chestnut horses against the backdrop of the American Southwest.

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Bev Doolittle's 'Pintos' painting is causing a debate over how many horses are depicted. Image Credits: @TheNewPainting/ Twitter

The artist skillfully used lines, color, and pattern to create an optical illusion, blending the horses seamlessly into their environment. 

According to Art Discovery, the lines of snow in the rocks blend with the white lines on the horses, and the shapes and colors of the horses match the rocks behind them. This technique makes the horses difficult to distinguish from their surroundings, compelling viewers to look closely to find them.

The Great Horse sparked debate on social media.

In the comment section, many viewers were baffled by the apparent lack of horses in the picture.

While Doolittle herself stated that the painting features five horses, a scientist from the institute claimed there are seven.

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The artwork blends natural elements with horse shapes to create hidden images. Image Credits: Bev Doolitte/National Institute

Many X users admitted they couldn't determine how many horses are in this picture. While some struggled to see more than five horses, others suggested they spotted five, aligning with Doolittle's original

One person said: I see five.

A second wrote: What’s the right answer?  I see seven, Can you pls let us know ? I would like to know 

While a third commented: 5 heads, 16 legs

Someone else said: 5.. Actually become a canyon with white Forrest and dark clouds if you turn it around.. Kind of neat.

Another user said: I saw only 5 horses 

Someone wrote: 5, including the little guy. Spectacular picture!

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Experts claim there are seven horses in the painting, while the artist states there are five. Image Credits: Bev Doolitte/National Institute

my head counted legs, divided by 4, came out. FIVE. My heart marveled at such a LARGE HERD of beautiful horses...Someone said. 

This isn't the first time an optical illusion has left viewers baffled. 

 A previous painting depicted a man dressed like Peter Pan in the woods, with a hidden woman in the scene. Such illusions challenge our visual perception and offer a fun way to test our observational skills.

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You have a high IQ if you can identify the face in the natural scene. Image Credits: American Puzzle Cards

In this earlier illusion, viewers were tasked with spotting a woman's face hidden within the natural scene.

However, according to designers, in nine seconds, if you can spot the face within the natural scene, you have a high IQ.

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The photo is hidden somewhere in the illusion; have you seen it? Image Credits: American Puzzle Cards

It may be hard to see, but she's hidden under the man's armpit. For ease of understanding, this area is circled in red.