
Sports-stadium-sized asteroid is crashing toward Earth leaving people concerned

Tuesday, 30/01/2024, 16:08 (GMT+7)

NASA claims that five giant asteroids are currently hurtling toward Earth, and there is an asteroid about sports stadium size, leaving people baffled.

A sense of anxiety fills the air as news spreads of an asteroid hurtling towards Earth. Its size is that of a sports stadium and can cause some potential danger.

NASA confirmed five massive asteroids are rushing toward 

Recently, NASA released an announcement that five asteroids are rushing toward Earth and are expected to pass by our planet between January 30 and February 2.

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NASA announced that 5 giant asteroids are crashing into Earth. Image Credit: Getty

According to NASA, we will not experience any serious impacts from these 5 asteroids. However, they estimate it could cause some minor disruptions to the network and nearby satellites.

The space agency said it will list objects as potentially dangerous to Earth if their size is larger than about 150 meters. These five asteroids were also observed to continue to approach Earth within 4.6 million miles.

The worrying size of the five asteroids—one the size of a sports stadium

2007 EG, known as the first asteroid, will pass by Earth on January 30. The asteroid is estimated to be the size of a drone at an altitude of 130 feet, 3.8 million miles from Earth.

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Asteroids are predicted to pass by Earth from January 30 to February 2. Image Credit: Getty

The second asteroid, 2004 BY, the size of a 62-foot-tall house, will pass Earth on February 1 at a speed of 1.57 million miles.

The 2003 BM4 is about the size of a 120-foot airplane and is expected to miss Earth by 2 million miles.

2008 OS 7, the largest of the five asteroids. It has a huge size of up to 890ft and is expected to be comparable to a stadium. 2008 OS 7 will fly past Earth on February 2 at a distance of 1.7 million miles.

2024 BP1 is the asteroid that will finally fly past Earth on February 2, the size of an airplane at an altitude of 130 feet.

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2008 OS 7 is a stadium-sized asteroid that has scientists worried. Image Credit: Getty

Another case of an asteroid crash toward Earth

Previously, at the end of December, NASA also announced that a "missing" asteroid named 2007 FT3 could threaten Earth.

This mysterious asteroid was first discovered in 2007 and quickly disappeared into space.

In 2024, it was discovered again and is predicted to crash into Earth. However, NASA says the chance of collision is extremely small, only about 1 in 11.5 million possibilities.

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2007 FT3 made scientists worried about the possibility of encountering it last year. Image Credit: Getty

Some notable impacts that asteroid 2007 FT3 could cause include an energy explosion equivalent to 2.6 billion tons of TNT, creating a giant crater, and possibly causing a tsunami up to 30 feet tall.