
US positioned as potential global leader with discovery of over 2 billion tons of rare earth minerals

Thursday, 27/06/2024, 18:15 (GMT+7)

The US has discovered over 2 billion tons of highly rare minerals, positioning itself as a potential global leader.

In a groundbreaking development, the United States has uncovered over 2 billion metric tons of rare earth minerals. This discovery made a significant stride towards global leadership in this crucial sector.

Over 2 billion tons of rare Earth mineral found in US discovered by American Rare Earth Inc.

US positioned as potential global leader with discovery of over 2 billion tons of rare earth minerals 1
The US has discovered over 2 billion tons of rare earth minerals, potentially making it a global leader in this sector. Image Credits: American Rare Earths

The discovery, spearheaded by American Rare Earth, Inc., spans 6,320 acres at the Halleck Creek Project in Wyoming.

American Rare Earth Inc. has uncovered this vast mineral deposit through extensive drilling in the Halleck Creek Project, spanning 6,320 acres in Wyoming.

Initial estimates were surpassed as subsequent drilling phases revealed a significant increase in measured and indicated resources, demonstrating the project's enormous potential.

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American Rare Earth Inc. has stake in extensive mining claims and leases, notably in Wyoming. Image Credits: American Rare Earths

According to reports, this  discovery positions the U.S. to reduce its reliance on Chinese imports, which currently supply 95% of global rare earth minerals.

With plans for expanded extraction and processing capabilities, American Rare Earth Inc. aims to lead the charge in global supply, potentially shifting the balance of rare earth mineral production.

Over 2 billion tons of rare earth minerals found in this discovery.

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The discovery has far exceeded initial expectations, including rare earth oxides crucial for technology. Image Credits: Getty

According to the report, this abundance of rare earth minerals, including neodymium and dysprosium, crucial for technologies from smartphones to aircraft, holds significant promise for reducing US dependence on Chinese imports.

While initially not widely recognized, these minerals play crucial roles in various technologies, including smartphones, hybrid cars, and aircraft, as well as everyday items like light bulbs and lamps

Currently, China supplies 95% of the world's rare earths, with the US importing 74%.

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Currently, China dominates 95% of global rare earth mineral production. Image Credits: Getty

American Rare Earths, led by CEO Don Schwartz, has intensified efforts to challenge China's market monopoly. Initial drilling in Wyoming has revealed promising estimates, with a significant increase in measured and indicated resources indicating vast untapped potential.

He said: ""These results are illustrative of the enormous potential of the project when the resource increased by 64 percent during a developmental drilling campaign, which increased measured/indicated resources by 128 percent."

"Typically, you’ll see the resource decrease as infill drilling takes place – instead, we’re seeing the opposite, with only 25 percent of the project being drilled to this point." He added.

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American Rare Earths aim to challenge China's market dominance following China's extraction ban. Image Credits: Getty

As the race for rare earth minerals intensifies, American companies like American Rare Earths and Ramaco Resources are pioneering efforts to leverage these discoveries, signaling a potential shift in global supply dynamics. 

With ongoing exploration and strategic investments, the US aims to secure its position as a pivotal player in the rare earth mineral market, poised to meet growing domestic and global demands for advanced technologies.