Mother claims she and her children communicate with aliens regularly

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A mother claims that she and her children regularly communicate with aliens, believing her kids can sense when they are near.

A mother from Mexico, named Paulina Martinez, has made some surprising claims.

She says that she and her two children, aged eight and nine, regularly talk to aliens.

This unusual story has caught the attention of many people online.

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Paulina Martinez claims she and her kids regularly talk to aliens. Image Credit: TikTok/@paumtznow

The mother claimed to have encountered aliens at a very young age

Paulina, who is 36 years old, is not just a mother; she is also an artist and a holistic therapist.

She has a strong presence on TikTok, where she shares videos about her experiences with extraterrestrial beings, tarot cards, and other spiritual topics.

With over 94,000 followers, her videos often spark discussions and debates.

Her journey into the world of aliens began when she was a teenager.

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Paulina, 36, is an artist and holistic therapist who shares her experiences with aliens on TikTok. Image Credit: TikTok/@paumtznow

Paulina became interested in aliens when she was about 13 years old.

She listened to her mother’s husband talk about these mysterious beings. By the time she turned 17, Paulina met a couple who were holistic therapists.

They spoke about an alien race known as the Pleiadians and how these beings are here to help humanity.

For the past six years, Paulina claims to have been in contact with a Pleiadian alien.

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‘When I was 17, I met a couple who were holistic therapists and they talked about these beings, “The Race,” and how they are helping us.

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Paulina became interested in aliens when she was about 13 years old. Image Credit: Getty

‘For the last six years, I’ve been in contact with a Pleiadian [type of alien] being who teaches me about “The Matrix,” although he refers to it as “The Program.”‘

She describes this being as someone who teaches her about life and the universe.

Paulina refers to this knowledge as “The Program,” which is her understanding of how everything works in the universe.

Mother claims she and her children communicate with aliens regularly

According to Paulina, her son started communicating with an alien friend when he was just 4 years old.

He calls this alien “my purple friend.” Paulina explains that her son believes this alien is a girl who takes him flying to her planet.

“It started with my son when he was four years old,’ she said. ‘He would talk about a being he called “my purple friend.”

“He said the alien was a girl and that she would take him flying off the planet. They are still in touch,” he revealed.

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Her son began talking to an alien friend at four. Image Credit: Getty

He has shared that he has seen this planet in dreams, and interestingly, other people have reported similar dreams about the same place.

Paulina had never talked to her children about aliens before they began their own communication.

She wanted to wait until they were older to introduce such topics.

However, when her son began to talk about his experiences, she felt it was time to discuss aliens with them.

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What are the messages being sent to Paulina and her children?

The messages that Paulina and her children receive from these alien beings are mostly about energy.

Paulina explains that her son talks about “big waves of energy” coming to Earth.

He believes that these energies are changing the negative aspects of our world into positive ones.

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Paulina and her children receive messages about energy from aliens. Image Credit: Getty

He thinks this transformation will help people be more peaceful and open to the idea of extraterrestrial contact.

Paulina’s son predicts that aliens will start to appear physically on Earth between 2025 and 2028.

He believes that these new energies will help people stay calm when this contact happens.

‘He says negative energy will always have a place here because we actually couldn’t exist without it, but nonetheless, it will be transformed so it’s not as bad as it has been.

“Then our consciousness can rise. These new energies will also prepare us to have open contact with extraterrestrial beings.”

Among the aliens he mentions are the Pleiadians, Andromedans, and even reptilians.

Interestingly, Paulina’s daughter also shares her own thoughts about the universe.

She has described ideas like parallel realities, suggesting that past, present, and future are all happening at the same time.

This concept expands the idea of existence itself, showing how interconnected everything can be.

When Paulina talks about her children’s experiences, she emphasizes that they feel calm and peaceful.

They are not afraid of these beings; instead, they see them as friends.

“My daughter has talked to me about parallel realities – how past, present, and future are all happening at the same time and how we can share a soul with different beings on Earth and other planets,” Paulina said.

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“My kids aren’t scared when they make contact. When they talk about it, they actually feel more peaceful than ever,” she added.

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