
Passenger shared a harrowing experience onboard Singapore Airlines encountering severe turbulence

Wednesday, 22/05/2024, 14:30 (GMT+7)

Singapore Airlines suffers a terrible accident due to severe turbulence, leaving one fatality

A passenger onboard the Singapore Airlines flight that suffered severe turbulence, resulting in the death of a passenger, has spoken out about his terrifying experience.

Singapore Airlines experiences turbulence on a flight from London to Singapore.

A Boeing 777-300ER plane of Singapore Airline, en route from London to Singapore, encountered a terrible accident.

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The turbulence led to many injuries, including head lacerations and bleeding ears, with passengers and crew assisting each other. Image Credits: Reuters

A plane was forced to divert to Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, Thailand, due to severe turbulence.

The aircraft experienced a rapid descent of 6,000ft (1,830m) within three minutes. 

This unfortunate incident led to the death of a 73-year-old British passenger, while approximately 30 others are currently in critical condition.

After the incident, a passenger shared his experience on board.

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A passenger shared a harrowing experience onboard a Singapore Airlines flight encountering severe turbulence. Image Crediits: Sky news

A passenger named Andrew Davies, on board the terrible flight, shared his experience with the horrible flight.

Andrew Davies, a London resident travelling on the flight, described his experience to BBC News as 'surreal'.

He shared: "I was covered in coffee," he told 5 Live. "During the few seconds of the plane dropping there was an awful screaming and what sounded like a thud."

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Passenger Andrew Davies described the incident to BBC News, recounting the chaotic and terrifying moments on board. Image Crediits: Sky news

Davis also revealed the cabin crew's reaction when the flight hit severe turbulence.

Davis revealed that the member of the Singapore Airlines cabin crew admitted it was her 'worst' experience in 30 years of flying. 

He shared his terrible feelings as he witnessed passengers dealing with the accident on a turbulent flight.

In the interview, Davis described the immediate aftermath, witnessing passengers administering first aid to each other and calling for a defibrillator. 

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Despite the traumatic experience, Davis emphasized his intention to continue flying, noting the rarity of such incidents. Image Crediits: Sky news

"So many injured people - head lacerations, bleeding ears," he said, adding: "A lady was screaming in pain with a bad back. I couldn’t help her - just got her water. Lots of people injured - including the air stewards who were stoic and did everything they could. I wish I could have helped more."

However, the terrible accident left Davis expressing his intention to continue flying, emphasizing the rarity of such incidents. 

The accident caused the death of one passenger and injured 30 others.

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Severe turbulence caused a terrible accident on a Singapore Airlines flight, resulting in one fatality. Image Credits: Reuters

According to Singapore Airlines, there were 211 passengers and 18 crew members on board, with nationalities of Australia, Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, and the United Kingdom. and the United States.

Suvarnabhumi Airport director Kittipong Kittikachorn announced that the deceased was a British male citizen, 73 years old, who probably died of heart disease.

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The plane, a Boeing 777-300ER, was forced to divert to Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok due to severe turbulence. Image Credits: Reuters

British media reported that his name was Geoff Kitchen and he was traveling with his wife.

Singapore Airlines announced that 30 people were injured, and Thailand's Samitivej Hospital said it was treating 71 people, six of whom were seriously injured. Most suffered head injuries, Kitikajong said.

Singapore Airlines emphasized that it is coordinating with the Thai authorities to provide necessary medical support and has sent a dedicated team to Bangkok to provide assistance.

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The aircraft experienced a rapid descent of 6,000ft within three minutes, causing significant injuries and one death. Image Credits: Reuters

The airline offered its condolences to the family and "deeply apologizes for the traumatic experience suffered by our passengers and crew."

The police have taken over the case and the body will be sent to the autopsy department, after which they will contact the embassy.